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Less Firearms + More Melee = More Immersion


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Ever wonder to yourself, "Wow over a hundred years since the bombs dropped, and there are still so many guns around"? I envision a Fallout world of more primitive weapons (swords, clubs, bows, crossbows, etc.). Why not take all the great resources from the oblivion games, and countless others (Diablo, WoW, Dungeon Siege, etc.), and integrate them into the Fallout world. Indeed limiting the amount of firearms and ammo would make those weapons rarer and more valuable. Of course certain factions, like the outcasts who specifically collect such items, would have more, which would make either attacking or befriending these factions much more interesting (harder if you choose to attack and jack their sweet loot).


Alas, I have no modding abilities of my own. I therefore leave it up to some interested party to take up the charge. I can certainly add concepts and idea generation to the mix. I have read very much into the history of weapons, collect swords and bows, am an amateur Blacksmith, and have invested a great deal of time into games that include such weapons. I believe that this project would greatly increase the level of immersion in the world of Fallout.

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Because in real life people make firearms in tribal pakistan, they made Lee Enfield/ Lee Metfords since the late 1890s and now they make AK47s the same way, hammering the parts by hand then cooling them in troughs. Because the Gunrunners have been building armaments for over a century and because before the war everyone was so xenophobic they all had 3 guns in case the comumnists came.
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I think Lt Albrecht pretty much covered it. :biggrin:


There are hundreds of millions of guns in the USA alone, and firearms will survive a Nuclear War better than humans, seeing as they are not affected by Radiation.


If they have been kept in grease wrappers or coated in cosmoline and stored safely, they can last for a very long time.

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the issue here wouldn't be lack of weapons or ammo however it would be lack of Quality weapons and ammo in high quantities. In other words unless you have lots of resources or access to heavy industry then your sol when it comes to good stuff unless you can make it yourself.


What I'am trying say is that only a faction like the NCR, Legion, and brotherhood should have new high quality weapons. Lets face it the fiends and raiders wont take care of their crap, mercs would have some decent stuff, and your average wastelander or townie might have a nice weapon however not very well up kept. Also energy weapons seem like bulls*** to me, short of the brotherhood these things should be rare, only the elite ncr or legion would have them, no raiders, no wastelanders, no townies. Only exception would be a genius or a very very powerful raider leader. Ammo alone for weapons like that would be very very hard to come by or create.


My biggest problem with fallout nv weapon wise is the fact it lacks 3 weapons that are everywhere in america today that would stand up to the test of time. Of course the AK-47, the Mossberg 12 gauge. and the glock (very common police weapon). Correct me if in wrong but not only were these weapons built to last but in the US alone there is probably 500,000+ of these weapons a piece if not more...way more... Yea they would get used and broken down for parts but with the sheer number of them in the US alone not including MEXICO (stone throw away) would insure at least low number of those weapons to still be around. Also any weapon with 9mm rounds or 308 rounds would at least be around as well, more than the few that are in NV.


I guess the biggest thing to realize here is the NCR and Legion allow for a lot of stretches technologically. Well mainly the NCR, cant see the Legion doing much.

I might be wrong on some from this but eh from what I know it seems right.

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As stated above, however the materials for making them and more importantly making the ammo is not so easy to obtain without a structured government. I would suggest look more towards limiting ammo/increasing the price on ammo and upping the dmg done by weapons both slugthrowers and energy weapons. This would make every round a jewel to dig out of that dead guys pocket, and the practicality of firing vs knifing a guy would just make a heck of a lot more sense.
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I think NV is already too slanted towards melee chars, but hey - that's just me. Almost all of the enemies just bee line for the PC because they have no or weak ranged weapons. If you're a gunner, it's like Doom 3 easy.


I miss turning a corner and facing well armed super mutants and enclave every 1/4 mile or so. Instead, more geckos or neutrals - sigh...

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My biggest problem with fallout nv weapon wise is the fact it lacks 3 weapons that are everywhere in america today that would stand up to the test of time. Of course the AK-47, the Mossberg 12 gauge. and the glock (very common police weapon). Correct me if in wrong but not only were these weapons built to last but in the US alone there is probably 500,000+ of these weapons a piece if not more...way more...


  1. AK-47: Who in Fallout America would have one? They'd get arrested for being a commie.
  2. Mossberg 12 Guage: More likely a Remington considering how xenophobic Fallout America was.
  3. GLOCK: Austrian-made and possibly never invented in the Fallout timeline, which diverged from our own in 1950.


The gun I'm surprised not to see in Fallout is the Colt 1911 and it's variants. That pistol has been in production for nearly a century now and the design has hardly changed this entire time. I was glad to see a decent looking 9mm Pistol in New Vegas (I hate the look of the 10mm Pistol and use a mod to replace it with a H&K USP) and wish the 1911 .45 ACP would appear as well.

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theres only 2 different types


.357 Revolver

.44 Revolver

Hunting Revolver

Ranger Sequoia

That Gun


Two you say?


AK-47: Who in Fallout America would have one? They'd get arrested for being a commie.

Mossberg 12 Guage: More likely a Remington considering how xenophobic Fallout America was.

GLOCK: Austrian-made and possibly never invented in the Fallout timeline, which diverged from our own in 1950.

Spot on. I'm suprised there are no Deagles, seeings as how popular (and survivable/easy to make) they proved in California.


Propellant is harder, but with the amount of aramaments the USA was cranking out in its war with china, there's going to be at least a few places with the 'small arms propellant for college dropouts' books intact. Odds are these are how people can make this stuff, with the gun runners being less thing and having found blueprints of things. Not to mention .45-70 is a black powder cartridge whose propellant is made from refined faeces, amongst other easily acquired things.

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theres only 2 different types


.357 Revolver

.44 Revolver

Hunting Revolver

Ranger Sequoia

That Gun


Two you say?


AK-47: Who in Fallout America would have one? They'd get arrested for being a commie.

Mossberg 12 Guage: More likely a Remington considering how xenophobic Fallout America was.

GLOCK: Austrian-made and possibly never invented in the Fallout timeline, which diverged from our own in 1950.

Spot on. I'm suprised there are no Deagles, seeings as how popular (and survivable/easy to make) they proved in California.


Propellant is harder, but with the amount of aramaments the USA was cranking out in its war with china, there's going to be at least a few places with the 'small arms propellant for college dropouts' books intact. Odds are these are how people can make this stuff, with the gun runners being less thing and having found blueprints of things. Not to mention .45-70 is a black powder cartridge whose propellant is made from refined faeces, amongst other easily acquired things.



I hate brain farts.thanks for thecorrection.Just the issue i have with the revolvers,is that they dont have that pop that I love about them.that and the IS suck horribly on them:(


Gunpowder isnt all that hard to make,making it correctly is the hard part. Youd be on black powder weapons for awhile until you could make smokeless.


THATS what FO needs,single shot black powder weapons!

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