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Mod Download Site Errors?


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Hello, I recently baugh The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the PC. My purpose in purchasing it for the PC was for the good old mods. I am new to this site and so far have only been able to download atleast 2 mods out of atleast 26 that I wanted due to an error. Whenever I click on a file to open up that small window that starts the download, a small window does indeed open. But it isn't the same window as the one that starts the initial download. This one says site error and a few other things. Below is everything mentioned in the window.



This site has run into a problem, please look at the error message below...




Reporting this error

If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use the contact form to let us know. When

reporting this error please include the page URL with your report:



The above was an example when clicking on the file to download the Bravil Seas Domes mod. Am I doing anything wrong. Is the file corrupt or does it no longer exist? Any details and information on how to fix this problem will be greatly appreciated.

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If you are a non-premium member, choose a server from:


Washington DC, USA

Dallas, USA

Seattle, USA

Maidenhead, UK


If one is too busy, try another. If all are too busy (you get some error), try a little later.


Edit: I just got a successful transaction for Bravil Sea Domes from the Maidenhead server.

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