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ME2 - Shepard's gender


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I'm not sure why these debates get so heated. I mean, there's a reason Bioware gives you two options. It's not like they're going to take away Femshep and force you to play as Male Shepherd, or vice versa.


Also, Femshep FTW.


Female Commander Shepard has the same voice actor as Cinderella! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

Yeah, Jennifer Hale's been in lots of stuff. She, along with Steve Blum and Nolan North, are one of those voice actors you hear absolutely everywhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I could have bought ME 1 and ME 2 long ago. but till a friend of mine showed em that I could play a Female Shepard I had no intention to buy either game. I'm a girl and I PLAY a girl. I had litle want to buy a game and be forced to play some testosterone drenched male Starship captain.. just my gripe.... When I learned I could play a Female Shepard I then bought the game and enjyed it greatly... they should let us women know games like this are playable for us too.. then we'll buy them and hopefully enjoy them
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