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Goblin Modesty is not particularly immersive


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I've never really been fond of the fact that the goblin shaman is in a toga that seems to have double sided tape. It doesn't seem likely that such a bestial race would have any particular concern for what they do or do not show when their males pretty much only concern themselves with anything more than a loincloth if they happen to actually need extra protection. That is, armor. That tells me that goblins don't seem to see the practicality of clothes


Normally it would be easy enough to do a texture and call it a day, but there's a bit of cleavage on the chest. I have nifskope and have been able to at least see that there are only a handful of vertices that would make the texture look too awkward. The hope is that someone who has some 3d rendering experience that isn't a decade in disuse might be able to remove the vertices that would result in a mesh that didn't look like an unclothed torso at all

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it doesn't seem to want to add the picture. It's a 18kb jpg.


Aah yes, I think that worked. Anywho, I know the lines represent vertices of the torso material that need to be removed in order for a new texture to work, and I'm pretty sure I know how to create a normalmap from that.

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No problem. Actually I just downloaded it myself to see what resources were there, but haven't got around to extracting the downloads yet.

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Upon further inspection, I don't want any additional monsters that I don't already have, I just want the pre-existing file associations to point to the modified shamanchest. If I can get his texture to work for it it'll be cool though.

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Just had a look at them using NifSkope and it looks like no material has been set for the female upper bodies. I know enough to recognize that as a problem but don't really know enough to be confident in suggesting solutions. If the male upper bodies show up OK you could try naming the material for the female upper body to match them (the male upper body material is named UpperBody).


A good person to get to look at it is DrakeTheDragon, if he has time he'll know what to do.

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