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Fallout 3 mods and GFWL ban question


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I have one question regarding FO3 GOTY and mods. I linked my Xbox ACC and I'm about to hunt some achievements but firstly I wanted to check if it is safe to use mods with legit GFWL/Xbox account?


I know that FO3 is intended to be modded since release I just wanted to check before doing anything with the base game.



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Presuming you mean modding the PC version of the game yes it should be 100% safe.


If this is in regards to console modding, console modding is not supported here as it breaches the MS and Sony respective EULAs and would open the Nexus up to being sued if it was allowed.


..and in that regards yes it would be a risk to your machine on XBL.

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Thanks guys for your answers


Yup PC version, I would never do modding on x360 :)


Well beside I've never finished it, I'm kind of achievement sucker for some games so I will disable it after finishing campaign, just to dive in afterwards and enjoy wasteland :smile: maybe with some new additional community missions and such.

Edited by Wahad987
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