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The Main Enemy: Is finding it as simple as it seems


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Hello mi amigos!!!


The title really gives away what this thread is about. It's about finding the main enemy in the next TES game. I think it may be a fairly simple job. In the trailer, it tells us about the enemy, or what we are lead to believe is the main enemy. Right at the very end, it tells us "But,There's one they fear. In their tongue, he's Dovahkiin: Dragon Born!"


Now, I may be reading this wrong, and it may be a completely new language, but isn't finding out what race it is simply finding out what language Dovahkiin is in? Surely there must be some lore nuts out there who can tell us! We must solve this mystery!

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Hello mi amigos!!!


The title really gives away what this thread is about. It's about finding the main enemy in the next TES game. I think it may be a fairly simple job. In the trailer, it tells us about the enemy, or what we are lead to believe is the main enemy. Right at the very end, it tells us "But,There's one they fear. In their tongue, he's Dovahkiin: Dragon Born!"


Now, I may be reading this wrong, and it may be a completely new language, but isn't finding out what race it is simply finding out what language Dovahkiin is in? Surely there must be some lore nuts out there who can tell us! We must solve this mystery!

Dovahkiin is just Nord speak for the one Imperials call Dragon Born. Why dragons use Nord speak is beyond me, but the word fits with other Nord words, particularly those that cropped up from time to time in Bloodmoon. At this point I would suspect that the "big bad" you have to kill or stop is whatever is causing the dragons to awaken... as well as the dragons themselves. There is undoubtedly some convoluted quest involved with probably proving yourself worthy of the title of Dragon Born, acquiring some information about the "big bad", collecting relics that are the weakness, and probably tossing in an anti-dragon breath shield in there somewhere (it's required). Knowing Bethsoft in recent years, the boss is probably locked away in some inaccessible area or only enabled at the end of the quest, so there really isn't any "finding it", and more likely, it finds you.

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I don't think it has to do with dragons; the trailer gave a lot reference to the realm of Oblivion, and hinted at another invasion.


"They're already here...the Elder Scrolls told of their return...."


"Their defeat was to their delay...to the time after Oblivion opened..."


"And when the truth dawns...it dawns in fire..."


"But...there is one they fear...in their tongue...he's Dovahkirr...Dragonborn!"


It looks like to me the Daedra are returning, and that this same hero who stopped them will be paying a visit to Skyrim. Maybe the invasion is centered on dragons as pawns for the daedra, and this Dragon title is given when he serves under Akatosh? Who knows.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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I don't think it has to do with dragons; the trailer gave a lot reference to the realm of Oblivion, and hinted at another invasion.


"They're already here...the Elder Scrolls told of their return...."


"Their defeat was to their delay...to the time after Oblivion opened..."


"And when the truth dawns...it dawns in fire..."


"But...there is one they fear...in their tongue...he's Dovahkirr...Dragonborn!"


It looks like to me the Daedra are returning, and that this same hero who stopped them will be paying a visit to Skyrim. Maybe the invasion is centered on dragons as pawns for the daedra, and this Dragon title is given when he serves under Akatosh? Who knows.

http://twitter.com/#!/ElderScrolls/status/14427186199007232 :P

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I don't think it has to do with dragons; the trailer gave a lot reference to the realm of Oblivion, and hinted at another invasion.


"They're already here...the Elder Scrolls told of their return...."


"Their defeat was to their delay...to the time after Oblivion opened..."


"And when the truth dawns...it dawns in fire..."


"But...there is one they fear...in their tongue...he's Dovahkirr...Dragonborn!"


It looks like to me the Daedra are returning, and that this same hero who stopped them will be paying a visit to Skyrim. Maybe the invasion is centered on dragons as pawns for the daedra, and this Dragon title is given when he serves under Akatosh? Who knows.

http://twitter.com/#!/ElderScrolls/status/14427186199007232 :P




Gone and ruined my fun. ;D

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For those of us who don't wish to have a twitter account, could you possibly post that Info on here please. :turned:

Circuitous Circuitous

@ElderScrolls So will I get to fight a dragon? I've been waiting since 1996.

13 Dec Favorite Retweet Reply

in reply to @Circuitous ↑

The Elder Scrolls

@ElderScrolls The Elder Scrolls


@Circuitous There Will Be Dragons.


I would however be tempted to agree with the Akavir theory in retrospect. It makes the most sense from a lore aspect, and if I recall, was related to how the first Dragon Born came to be, and was heavily referenced throughout Oblivion (just like the Emperor's death was hinted to several times in Morrowind). I would also remind people of the rumors that talk about the Nerevarine's activities in Oblivion. Fighting dragons might just be part of that.

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