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NPG's hunchback and fish-face


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I have several NPC's some CM Partners and some in Glenvar castle that hunch over and work their mouth like a breathing fish. The CM partners seem to react to certain clothing and removing the clothing and restarting the game clears it.


I have a gazillion mods so I'm not really looking for specific help. But I wondering who has seen this before and what you did so I can start exploring.


Next time it happens I'll attempt a screen shot.


Also, all the occupants of Glenvar castle remove all their clothes after dark and walk around buck-naked. Seems rather friendly.



Edited by MuggleDude
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Is one of those too many mods to list Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions by any chance? It could be the source of your distressed NPCs ... when you locate the source of your other problem could you send a link?

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No the one from Personality Idles is a bit different, with the hands more on the stomach as though feeling ill. I don't recognize that one at all, so add it to my "please link" list if you have any luck tracking down the source (can't have too many options if you serve the God of Variety like I do).


That one does remind me a bit of the feeling cold idle from Personality, but I have seldom seen it displayed in my game (for one I don't spend much time around Bruma, and two I'm seldom dragging any companions around with me these days).


- Edit - Had a look through the Personality idles with NifSkope and the closet to what is in your picture is file named p_armscrossed_sulking.kf ... but the hand positions are subtly different.

Edited by Striker879
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No the one from Personality Idles is a bit different, with the hands more on the stomach as though feeling ill. I don't recognize that one at all, so add it to my "please link" list if you have any luck tracking down the source (can't have too many options if you serve the God of Variety like I do).


That one does remind me a bit of the feeling cold idle from Personality, but I have seldom seen it displayed in my game (for one I don't spend much time around Bruma, and two I'm seldom dragging any companions around with me these days).


- Edit - Had a look through the Personality idles with NifSkope and the closet to what is in your picture is file named p_armscrossed_sulking.kf ... but the hand positions are subtly different.

My characters do act cold in rain. But in this one, the back is hunched like Quasimodo, they walk very slow, shuffling their feet like an 19th century Chinese woman, and their mouth opens and closes like a fish breathing.

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I had a mod called Personal Idles and uninstalling helped somewhat. The CM Partners seem to be working okay. I'm still having an issue with the servants/employees in Glenvar Castle.


Thanks Striker.



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