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What System Do You Recommend?


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Yes I know Skyrim isn't out yet but I'm thinking ahead. I want to be able to play and mod Skyrim when it comes out and also play Oblivion to its max potential.


I am looking for 40-60 FPS on average.


Which system do you recommend could do this (on a budget - less than £700).


EDIT: Also if you don't mind could you please post here if you have a good frame-rate with little to no stuttering. Please post your specs so I know what to look for. :)

Edited by MadMike710
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Dang it! I wrote this nice long post that didn't post when I hit the post button. (Got a nice little 'Page could not be displayed' message)


Anyways, I'll shorten it up a lot because I'm annoyed. Basically, you should build your own. Anything you buy factory-built will be more expensive and generally less powerful/optimized than something of the same cost that was built and assembled to mesh well. I'm not sure how computer-savvy you are, so I'll cut it here and mention something like newegg.com. Decent place to get some good prices on parts, not always the cheapest, so it's good to shop around.


If you need some help finding bits and pieces, I'm sure you can ask around here. I'll try to keep an eye out, but I'm sure there are numerous other Nexus members who could help out.


EDIT: Also... Windows 7, 64-bit, for sure.

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Ooh I hate when that happens lol

I don't think I'm going to be building my own... I know it's cheaper and definitely better for someone on a budget but for me there are just too many things that could go wrong.


I prefer to have it built right. :)

Thanks for the advice anyway.

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There's a link to two images of the specs of an Alienware custom-built machine. It's $1,100 USD, which I think is about 720ish pounds, about your price range.


Just note, there's no monitor, keyboard or mouse included. I assume you already have those that you'd like to use. If not, they offer a few different things there that are slightly overpriced, but good hardware.


Sorry about the Google Docs links, the images were too large to upload here. It's about 1MB total, so if you want to download it, it shouldn't be a problem.


EDIT: That should be enough to run games on medium-high settings without breaking the bank too bad. Of course, you can always step it up, but that's going to cost more.

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Ooh I hate when that happens lol

I don't think I'm going to be building my own... I know it's cheaper and definitely better for someone on a budget but for me there are just too many things that could go wrong.


I prefer to have it built right. :)

Thanks for the advice anyway.


Have a look at http://www.overclockers.co.uk sometimes they do have some bargains on sale, if you can't see anything there you can call them with your budget and they may be able to put something together for you ( I don't work for them ). Don't go near PC World, that shop is full of over-priced junk.


@RZ1029 Rarely do retailers use the exchange rate to price goods over here, they tend to rip us off by replacing the $ with £ but keep the figure after it the same. :verymad:

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Thanks jim_uk; that site looks great, I'll keep an eye on it. :)


Edit: I have one more question: Am I doing something wrong?

I think specs are OK but Oblivion is still quite laggy.

My specs are:

1GB RAM (yeah, not too great)

AMD Sempron SI-42 2.10 GHz

ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics

380MB video RAM

What do I need to do to make it run smoother?

Edited by MadMike710
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Alienwares are overpriced Dells(i have 1 and so does my dad,I dont like it so I swapped for his spare AMD rig)


But building is better to go,you can pick your options better.I know Im looking at liquid cooling.


Yeah, but for something powerful, you'd either have to go expensive business-class or with Alienware, or build your own. His budget limits the first, he doesn't want to do the third, so I recommended the second.

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