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Repetitive Dreams


Have you ever had the same dream, night after night?  

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  1. 1. Have you ever had the same dream, night after night?

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So, for about a week and a half now, I've had the same dream, or rather dream sequence. I'm in a clean room, assembling an ENORMOUS printed circuit board, about six feet long, four feet wide, in two layers separated by about six inches. In each successive dream, the circuit is a little more complete. I have no idea what the circuit does, or what it's for, I just know it's REALLY important... Unfortunately, I can never remember enough of the circuit to reconstruct it after I wake up.
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Those dreams boggle the mind, if you do ever find out, it might be a revolutionary Quantum computer circuit of some kind :tongue: . May change the face of computing forever.



lol just kidding, i had day dreams like that, Once of someone falling down the stars backwards for a few moments then it stopped. That one creeped me out because it wasn't anyone i knew???...


The imagination can play with you at times.

Edited by Thor.
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I don't have dreams like that myself, although a friend would complain about constantly dreaming of a trip to a large two story mansion. He would always wake up just as he reached the second floor...
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Hmmm...repetitive dreams usually mean that you've had some childhood trauma, although, I have no idea how a circuit board could be a manifestation of a fear... :confused:


I had one myself from ages 6 to about 9 I believe. I would dream that I was outside in my front yard with this jar of pennies that I would tip over and would try to put the pennies back inside. My dad would tell me to come inside and I would always ignore him, resuming my duty until I would look up to see an owl swooping down on me, forcing me to take shelter under our red van until I woke up. The dream went away when we sold the van years ago, but I was never afriad of the van LOL, so I don't know what that's about.


A reoccuring dream also means your brain is having trouble processing something or it wants to keep a memory inside. The whole point of dreaming is for your brain to throw away junk information it has taken over the past few days or months, and stores it in a part of the brain (Can't remember) so it doesn't have to deal with it. Sort a like a recycling bin on your computer. Dreams that happen over and over again means that your brain is having trouble taking these memories (or memory), and placing it in its acquired spot whether it be long term, short term, or junk memory. Or quite simply, it has discovered something "abnormal" and it's interested in holding onto it, and may be trying to unlock any possible secrets.


These are things we don't fully understand yet as we are very complex beings with very complex thoughts and emotions. We are in 100% control of our brain, therefore, the answer to your problem, you already know. You just need to figure out how to open your mind.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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When I'm I'll, I always dream the same thing. It's like I'm half dreaming, because I am conscious of things around me, and I can walk around the house in the night haunted by this. It's difficult to explain and I don't really understand it when I'm not having it, but ill explain it as best as I can:


(when my eyes are closed) I'm doing something, I'm not sure what it is, and I have to do it in double the time I did it last in. I'm getting flashbacks to parts of it now as I'm typing this. I think I'm trying to get from one place to another. These thoughts are accompanied by images: a bar that gets longer all the time, that counts the time; and a scene of whatever I'm trying to do. This makes me really panicky and sweaty.

(when my eyes are open) I'm just really stressed by it, and I find it hard to concentrate on other things.


Sometimes it takes a long time in the day for me to remember what happened last night.

I don't know whether to vote yes or no because I only get this when I'm ill. Also, the number 50 has something to do with it...

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I think your dream is symbolic, I think it is saying that it is important for you to continue building your work skills, that this is a priority to you, it weighs heavy in your sub concious that you have to suceed and to do so you need to work on your work skills.


If you are still at school or tech, it means simply to work hard at your studies to suceed in life or.....


If you are older it's telling you that you are concerned about the level of skill you have and that you need to build up your skills more.


Building a super computer speaks loudly of working hard, piecing the bits together more each dream shows progress you recognise subconciously for it to be reoccuring it is weighing heaverly on your mind.


The rest is what I think the underlying issue is.



I am most likely wrong, but it's how *I* see the dream.

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Once I had a dream for weeks when I was walking down this red hallway, with some blue door at the end. Whenever I got near it, I'd wake up. It irritated me so much... then, the last few days I got inside of it, and guess what it was inside? NOTHING! Eternal darkness everywhere... and I was falling... So annoying... Then when I hit the floor I woke up.


It was weird O.o

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I want to thank all of you for that enlightening bit about dreaming because we are ill.


That could mean the times I was putting 20 minutes every other day, or so, into building a four mast flying white cloth and paper ghostly looking ship kite I was growing ill from doing it.


I had two, or maybe three, repeat dreams where another child and I were building a basic kite sitting on the floor in a house. I have never seen the inside of it before in my life and have as of yet.


The kite I was working on took about 38 hours. It is four feet long and has five adjustable sails for each of four masts that reach five feet from the bottom to the top of the main mast. When all five sails are on each mast they can lift it five hundred feet in the air. It is hanging out in the garage turning to dust. I have been recording my dreams since back in 1995, even when I wasn't ill.


I just thought since the interesting dreams were happening, and I was remembering them, I would record them for fun. A Macintosh computer and morning coffee, before I learned about Espresso', gave me a little something to do in the mornings after I became rested and no ones' horse's were in the field for me to tend.


What marvelous life all of you are reminding me I have had! :thumbsup:


P.S. Only three masts. Sorry!

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