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The 2nd Amendment and Gun Control


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It's all about being a citizen of the YEW Nited States of Merica, really... The Cold War generation is still around you know.


As for the wikipedia article, I was lazy. I rarely post to wikipedia.


I realize that Finland has a huge need for a military, and a militia. Therefore, it was in their best interest to have a generational family value in the military. Soviets and everything...


The problem there is that we have had that same history here in America. We've been at war quite a bit, and I'll be damned if my dad doesn't go on about his triumph in Vietnam, or his father's father's father's role in the Civil war. We've had a soviet threat too you know, but the government never cared to have any sort of militia against the Soviets.


I can't really say why we are so different that Finland, Switzerland, Austria, or any of those nations who give some freedom of gun control. I can only spew conspiracy, and nobody wants to hear any of that really.....


Needless to say we can still carry guns at THIS point, and use them against foreign invaders.


I think?

Edited by Trandoshan
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Carry? In some states, with licensing and in designated areas, sure.


Use against enemies? If it ever came to war on the home front, my bet is the rules of war and gun control go right out the window.


The desire for self-preservation out-weighs 80% of our natural instincts, I'd say. The other 20% is protecting others who're important, in most cases. (IE: family, loved ones, significant other, et cetera)


You're also right about our rather war-filled history. For a nation that's not even 250 year old yet, we've had our fair share of wars. Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm/Iraq, and a few miscellaneous military actions around the world that never really classified as war. However, one big difference between Switzerland, Finland and the US is the population. The US probably has about a million and a half soldiers on 'active duty' with about as many in the reserves. That's 3,000,000 total, which accounts for more than half of Finland's population. Assuming 40% of their population is female, that's means the US active military outnumbers the number they deem 'fit for service'.


Compare that to the fact that, according to the Selective Service Agency, should everyone who is considered 'able-bodied' be called up, we would have a standing army of about 65 million strong, and that's JUST males. Assuming one in every 20 females enlist, that's another 3 million. The sheer numbers makes that logistically impossible/improbable.

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No need, there are National Guard Armories all over in most states with more than sufficient firepower. They're usually undermanned and would be an easy source of military hardware from armored vehicles to assault weapons.
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should everyone who is considered 'able-bodied' be called up, we would have a standing army of about 65 million strong, and that's JUST males.


Heh, isn't 65 million China's standing army?


Just joking of course.

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Be afraid.

Well a segway army with assault rifles might be a issue.


Which is why America should make a Segway Militia force. Our military is falling behind China in ingenuity!

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I remember going to the shooting range out here in SoCal.


A man walked in and pulled his 9mm out of his back pants and placed it on the counter and requested a range.


The man behind the counter instantly grabbed his gun away from him before he could even move his hand away after placing the gun down.


He stated the following:


"Don't you ever f***ing do that again, ever! That is illegal here! Your gun MUST be in it's case and you must let me know you're bringing it in before you do!"


We have very strict gun laws around the counties in the IE. Inland Empire. There are some very ignorant gun owners out here, and most of them think that we're laid back but we're not. This isn't the wild west anymore. In the past 2 months the crime rate has increased not only in percentage but in how high up the streets it's gotten. 2 weeks ago an older lady was butchered two streets over, and just last week a 19 year old kid was shot execution style 2 blocks down.


When I was 18 I was eligible to apply for a gun owners permit and was able to purchase a semi automatic rifle. I purchased that, and a cold steel survival knife.

Edited by Loktyre
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