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Ingots Priced as Currency ?


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Does anyone have a mod that makes gold and silver ingots buy and sell at the same constant price rather than being subject to the price reductions and gouging common in the economy. Generally speaking in any economy ingots of Gold and Silver would be traded using standard values much like coins and would not fluctuate between vendors.

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Does anyone have a mod that makes gold and silver ingots buy and sell at the same constant price rather than being subject to the price reductions and gouging common in the economy. Generally speaking in any economy ingots of Gold and Silver would be traded using standard values much like coins and would not fluctuate between vendors.

okay let me explain why your logic is wrong:

1) gold bars are always going to cost differently because they are not marked like coins are. this mark is what makes the gold coins a currency. (same as silver)

2) the spikes in prices are caused by the value people put into the gold coins and the product being sold. clearly you cant melt down your coins (it's a crime in the Empire) so you need to buy gold to use while smithing. so if people are buying something a lot and it's in high demand then it will cost more. where as if the Empire takes a blow and people think it's going to fall apart the value of those gold coins will go down. (a good example here would be the NCR money verse the Denarus and caps in fallout NV. they all hold value but people hold NCR money at a lower value because they feel it wont replace caps.)

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Ok first of all the major problem is with the value of gold coins to begin with.


if a bowl of chicken soup costs 30 gold coins you know immediately the purity of the imperial coins is crap.


So lets say the imperial gold coins are about 10% gold with a core of some non-precious metal A bar of gold is pure solid metal usually either 18 or 24 carrot. Your logic is even more flawed than mine for failing to take into account the obvious differences in purity. if the imperial coins were pure gold and valued at a semi realistic price than forget the chicken soup those 30 gold coins would buy the whole god damn inn.


So right off the bat in order to justify the low value of the imperial coins one must assume that they are not even close to being pure gold but rather an alloy of gold and some other metal. Apart from an adventurer or professional miner the average citizen would never even lay their hands on a bar of pure gold and considering how hard it is to get enough ore to actually make a gold ingot the value would obviously be much higher than 100 gold coins.


Honestly comparing costs of in-game food items with prices of similar real life food items the imperial gold coin equals around .12 USD or about 12 cents a little over a dime


so its kinda funny your nit picking my post despite the horrible brokenness of the overall game economy

Edited by mikeloeven
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so its kinda funny your nit picking my post despite the horrible brokenness of the overall game economy

lol, right? also yes the coins are about 75% gold and i think iron makes up the rest. also it's funny how you still countered your own argument with your nit picking of my post. that's irony right there.


honestly this game just needs an overhaul of the economy, not just a readjusted value of ingots.

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  • 6 months later...

You all forget that gold does not have the same value as in are world for a very good reason. It's called Transmute Mineral Ore, a spell that any moderatly knowlegable mage can perform that turns iron ore to silver and silver ore to gold. So gold just likly isn't as rare in Tamriel as it is here on Earth. Is it as comon as iron? No, and that is why it's worth more, but Ebony is something that can't be transmuted as far as we know and that is why even though it isn't a precious metal it is still valued more per unit.

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It's called Transmute Mineral Ore, a spell that any moderatly knowlegable mage can perform that turns iron ore to silver and silver ore to gold.

yes but transmuted ore is less valuable then the real stuff which is why it is not used commonly. also i believe it's illegal in many parts of Tamriel.


either way this thread is nearly half a year old and the discussion finished... i dont see the point in necroing it back.

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