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Download Only partially,HELP!

Guest deleted9249628

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Guest deleted9249628

Okay so i try to download a mod from Nexus,but every time i tried to open the file it's said the file is either damaged or broken,

this is one of the most notable one that even right now it still din't work for me


The problem was that when i click download everything going smoothly until when the download actually start,the size of the file did not match the requirement of the mod,of what was the actuall size of the mod (say the mod siize is 600kb,but i only got 342,nearly half of it),And it beggining to spread to new mod aswell like this one


Can somebody tell me what causing the download to be so limited?

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Okay so i try to download a mod from Nexus,but every time i tried to open the file it's said the file is either damaged or broken,

this is one of the most notable one that even right now it still din't work for me


The problem was that when i click download everything going smoothly until when the download actually start,the size of the file did not match the requirement of the mod,of what was the actuall size of the mod (say the mod siize is 600kb,but i only got 342,nearly half of it),And it beggining to spread to new mod aswell like this one


Can somebody tell me what causing the download to be so limited?

checking now:

  1. Combat Assistant F3 < corrupted on server, the mod is dead.
  2. http://s26.postimg.org/a8xmw99jd/server_corruption.jpg

Contact both author's for another source. search for other mirrors on Google.



Like this : http://steamcommunity.com/id/KDStudios

Edited by Purr4me
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From reading things, the Original source:


and the authors name / user that made the mod in the first place:



S0, you can obtain that one and deal with the requirements needed to do as you need to do.


still looking for another source, but I do believe this mod for fo3 is contained inside a compilation. where that thing is at. still looking for.


I have my self the original Fo3 version of the mod.

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Guest deleted9249628


Okay so i try to download a mod from Nexus,but every time i tried to open the file it's said the file is either damaged or broken,

this is one of the most notable one that even right now it still din't work for me


The problem was that when i click download everything going smoothly until when the download actually start,the size of the file did not match the requirement of the mod,of what was the actuall size of the mod (say the mod siize is 600kb,but i only got 342,nearly half of it),And it beggining to spread to new mod aswell like this one


Can somebody tell me what causing the download to be so limited?

checking now:

  1. Combat Assistant F3 < corrupted on server, the mod is dead.
  2. http://s26.postimg.org/a8xmw99jd/server_corruption.jpg

Contact both author's for another source. search for other mirrors on Google.



Like this : http://steamcommunity.com/id/KDStudios



while yes i do notice that the download file is corrupted,i began to wonder why does when a corrupted download server i always getting a 124kb file no matter how big it its?

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while yes i do notice that the download file is corrupted,i began to wonder why does when a corrupted download server i always getting a 124kb file no matter how big it its?

There are a ton of mod pages just like this one, all under 1 meg sizes but we know them to be way larger than that, some even over 100 or so mb in size.

what ever happened to the data base, no one is speaking up ? why? I have no idea, a lot of favorite mods are now totally corrupted.


Could be a bad server, could be the networks. who knows, I stored all earlier versions when I had the chance to obtain clean copies and backed them up.


corruption means the data is no longer there, all that is left behind is a system wide ID in it's place. nothing I can do. get the data from another source, that's all you can really do.


Edited by Purr4me
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