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I'm playing through Heart of the Dead with Corrine, my female thief. I just finished the part where you are at the Two Sisters Lodge the second time after collecting the statues. The morning after the nightmare sequence and the "love" sequence, Dublin has nothing to say, only "I HAVE NO GREETING". What a pig...just like a guy to suddenly stop talking to a girl after he gets what he wants. Just joking, but it's a very annoying glitch. I looked in the CS and noticed there are different instances of him for different points throughout the mod, but I'd prefer to be able to speak to him sooner rather than later, kind of weird having Silent Bob following me around now. I did some checking around but Brian, the author, only mentions NO GREETING issues with Kat. Anyone else run into this problem or have a suggested fix? We never left Vanilla Cyrodiil, no SI or anything like that yet. :confused:
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Still no answer to this...I'm going to go ahead and push forward without talking to this manifestation of Dublin (I think I'm almost to a point in the mod where, if I read the CS correctly, it will switch to a different version of him anyway).
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It's very likely that the mod adds a GREETING topic, but without any responses that follow the required conditions to say something. It's easy to fix though. Just add a new response in whatever Quest it's using to say the GREETING topic, but without any conditions and add it at the bottom of the list of responses. He will say that message when none of the other greetings are valid that way.
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