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Tamriel Height Map


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Alright, so here is the deal. I'm planning on working on a major height map so I can add Black Marsh to the game as a location to roam. Now the problem I am having is in the construction set. I assume that the Tamriel World Space is the entire map for Cyrodiil, but in the height map editor the only portion of Cyrodiil I can get is this:




Now I know I'm gonna need more than just that so I can edit Black Marsh freely and not have major problems, and I'm sure that if I don't add Black Marsh to the Tamriel World Space that it will not be available to walk into straight from Cyrodiil. You would have to take a boat most likely which we all know is not the only way to get there.


Please do not say this is a hopeless endeavor because I am likely only going to make a small part of Black Marsh as a project while I am teaching myself to mod.

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Why not just use Tamriel Heightmaps? The whole of Tamriel is fully playable and available to be modded. The heightmap is there for anyone to use so modders can use this as a base and jump right into landscaping and whatnot. The map was created to be lore-friendly as possible too.


A Gridmap was made for compatibility reasons and to lay claim to WIPs so folks don't overlap each other, etc..





Full in-game Map by Kiwhawk


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If you need to view an area of Tamriel outside of that small box it gives you when you first open it, go to the overView box (Make sure it's on in View) and click on the area of Tamriel you want to see. To save on system requirements, the heightmap editor limits the area you're able to see at one time.
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If you need to view an area of Tamriel outside of that small box it gives you when you first open it, go to the overView box (Make sure it's on in View) and click on the area of Tamriel you want to see. To save on system requirements, the heightmap editor limits the area you're able to see at one time.


Dude... I've been trying to figure that out forever! Out of all the tutorials I've gone through you are the FIRST to finally explain that to me! THANK YOU!

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