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Change character appearance in game?


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Is there a mod that allows you to change your character appearance once in to the game?

I've tried bringing up the character creation menu with console commands but doesn't seem to work very smoothly.

Just me being pedantic, the light levels on that silly little screen when you're creating your character are so different to the real game and things now look rather odd. I don't want to start the character over (I've played a long while with these things bothering me!) so a little fix would be great.

Any help appreciated =)

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Thanks for the help! I've been using the console commands but things don't seem to load with it, not sure if that's related to the charatcer customisationmods I've installed. That Cheat Terminal thing looks promising though! Guess using that evades the achievement negating bugs of using the console command as well (missed a whole bunch of them that way!)

Thanks again =)

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