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[WIPz] Black Marsh


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I like your thinking TehBuddha. lol


Hmmm, I could do the Fighter's Guild, although it may be hard without our locations. But I suppose I can think of names for caves and maybe ruins.



Thought of 2 quest for Gideon's Figher's Guild. Completely labelled with stages :D Now I'm doing Stormhold's.

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ah, I see. Well I hope you all had a happy new year and a wonderful christmas. Its time to kick back into gear and get this project rolling. communication is the key, so lets try to talk about what we plan to do as much as we can.
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Well, TehBuddha, if I can figure out the dang UV Mapping, you can texture the fang of haynekhamet :P














Thanks to ub3rman123, I'm on my way to finishing the UV mapping process. I'm trying to seperate the hilt from the pommel, so I'm waiting on his answer on spliting vertices in the UV map menu.

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well while thats being worked on I'll be sitting in he hospial because of a fever I had. I should get out tomorrow. I'm still waiting on Rhymer for some of his models. It would be good for Rhymer and TehBuddha to work together so that they also get textured.
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