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[WIPz] Black Marsh


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For all those who where hoping for it's release, I've started working on one. I should have a lot of free time soon, and I've already done the exterior to one village/town thing.

When I have something, I'll try uploading some preview, just to get you guys agitated :D

I haven't found out yet how to edit the map, but figuring that's more a secondary problem, I waited for an active research, if anyone however can explain me quickly how it goes, well then ;)


I'm also wondering where you all get that lore from, there isn't much told about the cities on the UESP.

Edited by Faceshifter
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Hi there,


I've only just seen this thread but I wondered if you were aware of our own Black Marsh project. We have a thread here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1082136-wip-the-black-marshes/ . I don't know how far down the line you are with this but we are planning on releasing a beta version featuring half of the completed worldspace sometime before Skyrim. I don't mind you guys working on something if you want your creation to be done your way as I can understand that but if you were interested in joining forces somehow then I'd welcome it. It looks like you have some nice stuff there. Normally, I'm not available on TesNexus forums as we tend to work on the Silgrad Tower forums only but maintain the thread at Bethesda and this one here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/118614-wip-the-black-marshes/ . However, I'd pretty much abandoned TesNexus as there appears to be so little activity here. Let me know what you think anyway.....


- Ibsen's Ghost

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Well, as you've likely seen the people here kind of just up and disappeared, so I decided to close this project. I myself only know how to use the CS and am in the process of learning how to model. I can offer my assistance if needed, otherwise I'm just waiting until Skyrim is released to pick modding back up.
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