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[WIPz] Black Marsh


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Thank you for your response! I am not good at texturing, so I need help with it. I've already downloaded Tamriel Worldspace and I'm currently going to work on Gideon, because I have a concept of how it should look after studying Lore. It's my favorite place in Argonia - a wonderful mixture of the Emperial, Aileidic and Argonian architecture, a prison of the Empress and Kothringi ruins not far from the city. Here is an old art of the Gates of Gideon made about 1,5 years ago:



As for the means of communication I'd rather use Skype or QIP. Here is my e-mail: [email protected]

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Alright, since you already have meshes for that portion of black marsh feel free to work on it. I'm no master at texturing myself, so I'll probably have to study it on my own and learn how to texture meshes.
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