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"Earthquake effect" will not go away.


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Near the end of Heart of the Dead, there is an area where there are a variety of different effects taking place including weird lighting and a "shaking" or "earthquake" effect that basically makes the screen blur momentarily, probably about every ten seconds. After escaping from the final area of the mod and being "transported" to safety, my character continues to experience this annoying bluring effect every few seconds. It's basically making the game unplayable, and my last prior save was literally about five hours of play time before this occured. I've tried re-BOSSing my mods, loading an old save then my new one, and a few other things but to no avail. Please, is there ANYTHING that can be done to remove this effect? I just can't stomach the thought of replaying all that material again, and it's so annoying because it basically came at the exact moment I more or less finished the whole mod. Any help would be much appreciated! :confused:
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I tried some more troubleshooting this morning, including going into a place where rocks would fall and triggers this effect, hoping it would turn it off after it was finished, but no luck. I'm just curious, does anyone know the effect I'm talking about? I just want to make sure it's not requiring a better description.
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Well, I solved this problem the hard way...reloaded a much older game and replayed everything back to where the problem first occurred. The issue seems to be going through a door or portal when an effect like the earthquake is happening, just a word to the wise.
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