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Weapon Powers


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Not that requests ever actually get made - but I cant understand how no one has ever made a mod to create actual damn weapon attacks/powers.


A power, not a spell, it cant occupy a hand, that makes you swing your weapon and that weapon hit has some kind of specialty to it.

Seems like a no-brainer but I can't find it. No ones ever thought woa, it would be cool if I pressed Z and swung my weapon and the hit applied a force effect and sent the enemy flying at the cost of a lot of stam.

Or woa it would be cool if i had some crazy sword attack that froze my enemies and did frost damage, at the cost of a lot of stam.

Or woa it would be cool if there were anything to do with weapons besides left click..................................

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I think this might go in the way you pictured, although it requires dragonborn DLC. I actually wanted to show you a mod I saw once in the nexus that had special moves, including arrow rains for bows and a move that threw the oponent up and hit him with lightning for one-handed swords, but I exhausted all the keywords I could think of and still couldn't find it. Good luck, gt5t!

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