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New to Dragon Age mods, tips/advice?


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Welcome, gamer21fizzy;


1. See the mini-tutorial in the 2nd post here: "Using DA Modes for Dummies".


2, There's a link near the top of that post to "Good Mods", which has opinions and lists from several different players. (Although, as I was reminded in another thread, those lists are a little out-of-date now.) So for the most current source for that kind of information, go to the "Files" section of DANexus and look at "the Top 100 Endorsed files of all time", and "Most Endorsed of the last two weeks" to get an idea of what others think is worthwhile.


Most importantly, try things and see what YOU like!


Happy (modded) Gaming! :thumbsup:

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Thandal answered one question and I'll attempt to answer the others you had; there are a few mods that can do limited savegame editing, but nothing elaborate at this time. Also, if a mod supports Origins and Awakening, it's usually stated by the mod author in the description.
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I am new to modding, so my question is if i have downloaded bsc zesty, and my modder says it's there how do i know for sure.

Welcome, vennattejames!


See my mini-tutorial, the 2nd Post here: "Using DA Mods for Dummies".


The direct answer to your question is: "Get one of the Romancable NPCs to join you in your tent. If the cutscene is different than the vanilla one, you've installed the mod correctly."

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