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Everything posted by ladydesire

  1. I don't see a Race category, but there is Poses and Quests and Adventures on FO3Nexus for the latter two examples you give; TESNexus and DANexus do have race categories as well as the others.
  2. Might I suggest some of the fine mods listing in this Wikipedia Article about the Extended Community Canon Project?
  3. @KingShelby: Theres should be a new tab on the page of any mod that has started using the feature called "Requirements"; if you click on that tab, it should provide the links to the required mods.
  4. This might seem like an odd request, but would it be possible to add a way to indicate which mod requires what DLC? I have 4 mod downloads for my one mod on DA Nexus, and I'd like a way to show the player which of the 3 additional mods requires which DLC.
  5. Google Dragon Age Toolset; there should be several sites with it as a download.
  6. On NPC mod Creation and compatiblity is probably a better choice for starting out making companions. It's the one I'm now using for Lealion the Mage and will be using it for Secrets of the Tevinter Wardens, which has 5 (4 permanent, 1 temporary) companions.
  7. Let's see: I know The Winter Forge works in both, as does Advanced Tactics; I know there are probably others, but I can't think of them off-hand.
  8. RustyBlade: I think the OP is talking about the encounters that happen while traveling between towns on the world map. Those actually are random, but I'm not sure exactly how to add that sort of thing.
  9. Thandal answered one question and I'll attempt to answer the others you had; there are a few mods that can do limited savegame editing, but nothing elaborate at this time. Also, if a mod supports Origins and Awakening, it's usually stated by the mod author in the description.
  10. As RustyBlade said, the Origin Stories are pretty integral to the overall story, as the events of those influence other parts of the story later on.
  11. RustyBlade: Thanks for your input so far; it confirms what I've been saying to the group all along. On the subject of scripting, would having this information catagorized on the wiki be acceptable, as we aren't likely to convince Bioware to change how they lay things out in the toolset itself; also, I believe Bioware went with the system they did to make sure files were more easily backed up so that recovering from a system crash would take less time. It might be inconvienent to some, but having most of your game changes in one file can be extremely helpful. Could you give me a list of tutorials that you would like to see added that aren't currently included?
  12. Believe it or not, I was anticipating this answer; could you describe what you would like the wiki (toolset documentation) to contain? Also, is the present wiki structured in such a way that you were able to find where the existing available information was, even though it wasn't exactly adequate or were you lost trying to find it?
  13. Good afternooon; I'm posting this here on behalf of the Dragon Age Friendly Toolset Inititive group on the Bioware Social Network. What I was wondering is this; what would you like to see that would make the toolset more friendly and useful to you. Please post here and I will pass these ideas and suggestions to the fine folks on BSN on your behalf.
  14. @Offkorn: We're not strictly talking about modding someone else's mod; we're talking about using someone else's content in our mods. Both, at least in DA, require having access to sections of their content that they may not want to share with just anyone, due to the amount of work involve in creating it.
  15. @Offkorn: Nice try, but the terms of service here disagree with you. "Unset" means "restricted", unless there is some indication of free usage given in the mod's description or readme.
  16. Sledge454: tell that to Immortality, Karmalade, VanillaCena, Questorion, Phaenan, Lady Olivia, ejoslin and myself... We are working together so when our mods touch common files, no individual mod will break any other. It takes a desire to work together to prevent these things, which is something that I don't see being all that common in FO3, FO:NV or TES modding.
  17. It's either a matter of they haven't taken the time to set the permissions or they feel that having it in two different places is redundant and aren't going to add it in the file settings. I hope I'm wrong on that second part, though.
  18. *giggles* I don't think Dark0ne sleeps much, if at all. On a serious note, this is a good thing to see; I just wish EABioware was as responsive to updating or adding new features to their DA mods site.
  19. This looks like something I will be interested in using at some point soon.
  20. masterchief47: Dark0ne already said that the fact there are 5 files servers is the reason he's changing the RAID configuration on two servers.
  21. While new download servers are nice, is there anything you can do about the forum and NV Nexus sites? They just flaked out again.
  22. zzztz: Don't think that the modders that aren't actively modding Fallout 3 are ignoring Fallout: New Vegas; ttomwv had passed the RR Companions Vault to another modder to maintain, but contacted that modder when New Vegas was released about whether he was going to port it to New Vegas. NosRhyfelwr isn't getting it anytime soon, so ttomwv and I are doing the port and I will be maintaining the New Vegas version; I asked both of them, since I don't play FO3 without it. Even if asking permission wasn't required, I still would have asked, since doing so is a sign of respect for the person that created the mod in the first place.
  23. @crippknottick: It's now in the Options section as "Credits and permissions". @Shezrie: Offkorn is a modder as well, but one that tends to have his own views of what is, or should be, permissible. I also agree with you and the staff here that modders have a right to control what they create (it is after all copyrighted material).
  24. @Mur_Zik: why would someone releasing something "for general use, with credit given" object to anything done with the content, as long as they do receive credit for their contribution? It's been my experience with modding in Neverwinter Nights 2 that they generally don't have a problem with what an end user does with the content.
  25. BulletSix: TESNip from FOMM works fine with FO:NV GECK esp's. I used it last night to convert something I was working on.
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