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It gently appears in every cell I open with a NPC in it. (Another prompt for every NPC that's loaded.) When did it start? When I tried making an idle for an NPC to act as a smith outside SI. The .esp file is long gone and deleted, but it's been bugging in CS with every file, every time since. I've unpacked all animations and placed them in data but no avail.


Any ideas? (reinstalling CS, removing ini/warnings didn't help either.)

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DON'T REMOVE the .kf, simply MOVE it into your ...\_male\idleanims folder. Thats the place where these idles always go.


The OP stated: "The .esp file is long gone and deleted", so there is little point keeping the .kf when the CS is complaining about it.

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Yep, inappropriate placing probably triggered it as it should be a folder lower. But I deleted the file and it fixed it. Thanks :thumbsup: .

It shouldn't had have capitals in the first place, so I wonder how that got there :ermm: .

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