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is there a way to remove the energyfield around proj purity ,prime did


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i am haveing a problem,liberty prime didn't destroy the energyfield around project purity ,he is dead now,he died on death from above .see i used the if you want it done right do it yourself mod ,started project purity ,went to rescue james ,came back too an almost empty proj puritty ,with the field around it,so i need a weapon that will destroy the field ,i have tried to re spawn prime but he will not destroy the field. i don't want to do it all over again, i just need the energy field destroyed ,is there a mod that will give me a weapon that will get it done ,or a way too get prime too do it on a re spawn??please help,pc player retail game of the year edition, thank you
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i used the if you want it done right do it your self mod ,it lets you start project purity yourself at anytime i have all but zeata done,james is a live ,it's working but behind the energyfield ,prime is dead ,the caravans can't start, so i need the blue energy field gone ,~disable don't work ,nukes don't work ,darkmatter ,no effect Edited by dead1966
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I suspect you might get better replies if you visit the mod's page and make a comment asking about this possible problem. I'm guessing it's this one: If You Want It Done Right? I don't know the mod, so I don't really know what it does apart from what's on the description page. For all I know, what's happening in your game is part of the mod, or maybe you've done something wrong in how you've completed the quests that the mod has changed. It's going to be pretty hard for anyone who doesn't know the mod to try and guess at what might be wrong, or whether you've missed out on doing something.
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well ,i think it's because of me being off too save james ,while i thought nothing was going on ,see i did the mantince and got the geck ,started it then i seen no enclave at all,so i went to get james let him go to the big boat,i went to project purity,found the energy field active ,prime was gone too the where he meat his end,so can you just kill the e field ?
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The fields are not destroyed, they'll be disabled by scripts. The thing is if you failed the quest somehow and LP is not walking the way to PP, the Fields will not being disabled.


I know, you alredy tried to use the console in the field to disable it, which didn't work. I think it's because the field has a parent marker which is being disabled by a script which is attached to a trigger which LP would pass.


You can try to disbale the field by this line:


in a script.


But at least this most likely won't help since the energie field is just one element of a larger together.


You can try to reactivate LP, but he is running his own script.


may help, dunno

Edited by tortured Tomato
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Puh, I dunno, guess I'd need to really check into this.

Can I ask why you don't just restart the quest?

Messing around with the console may be nice to cheat or test certain things, but its not a convenient way to complete quests manually.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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:confused: you always need to make saves regularly. Even more then you use mods which alter sth around quest. Okay, here's a way to disable the force field:


Stand befor the field

open console

leftclick the field -> number appears

enter into console:


in the line appears another number, which is the id of the parent

enter into console:

"prid [number of the parent you got]"

the parent number is now active in the line above, it's "picked"

now enter into console:



Repeat this with the invissible field which might be still active.

Good luck

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