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BAB body not working.


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Did you create the OMOD, and if so are you sure that you created it correctly? The BAB Final archive, if created in it's original structure, will not install properly. It needs to be extracted to a temporary location and then read the instructions


Alternatively, you can download the full nude version OMOD here.

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Here is what I did: I disabled all other custom body mods before doing anything, then I downloaded the nude version of the complete BAB OMOD set up. I have the Knights of the Nine, Shivering Isles and now I have no body BUT I do see my quiver of arrows though...LOL Where did I go wrong? Normally it's an issue with meshes and textures, but I just followed the read me and did what it said. Said it aside in a temp place. What should I have done?
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If you downloaded an OMOD version, the OMOD needs to go in your \Oblivion\obmm\mods\ folder. Then activated through Oblivion Mod Manager.
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