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Help me fix this mod (blood textures on weapon)


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Hi friends!


Have you seen Sushiyant's Ariyan weapon pack? It's a compilation of scimitars, dagger, swords, bows... and persian-esque type of weapons (from Iran as Sushiyant points out on the description).


In my opinion, the weapons are stunning, but from the whole pack, i fell in love with two weapons: a dagger called the Ariyan Deshne and the Ariyan Scimitar.


But there is a little problem, it's with the swords when they get covered in blood.


When you kill someone and the sword gets covered in blood, the blood stains are completely off. They are floating around the sword instead of them being on the sword. On my ignorance, I believe that It must be something wrong with the meshes. I've never modded before, but still I tried to fix it myself. Watched tutorials on internet, downloaded blender and nifskope... and for the love of me i'm not able to fix this issue.


I tried contacting the author, but I get no response. The mod is from 2012 and seems pretty dead.


So my request is for someone to take a couple of minutes to take a look on to this and try to fix it. At least for him to try and fix the Ariyan Deshne and the Ariyan Scimitar.


This is the mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13218/?



Thanks a lot for your time fellas, and for the modders, special thanks for contributing to the community.



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Yeah, of course! I didnt express myself correctly on the op.


It may sound pretty selfish (it probably does), but I was asking for someone to fix this, or at least teach me how to, for my own personal use.


If one day I eventually get a response from Sushiyant, I would sent him the "fixed" files if he wanted to.

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