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Moonlight Tales Survival Guide

(For Bards, travelers and beast-blooded tavern patrons)

By Dallesse :kiss:


“Moonlight Tales- Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul” is a fantastic and wonderfully

immersive mod for the Lycanthrope enthusiast. First and foremost- I’d like to thank

Brevi & AI99 for this amazing contribution to the world of Skyrim mods. I would also like

To thank KrittaKitty and Madcat221 for their remarkable contributions as well. Without them,

playing a female werewolf would be far less aesthetically pleasing (and also less anatomically

feminine IE- La Femme Lycana.) Despite the near-heart attack causing surprises that lie within this mod

(for the unsuspecting 1st time user), I am very grateful for the ability to customize the whole experience,

via the Mod Configuration Menu. (Thank you, SKSE!) Furthermore, the ability to become a WEREBEAR

is a fascinating new prospect that was never possible with Skyrim in its “Vanilla” state- even if you did,

in fact, have the Dragonborn DLC in your lineup.




But alas, this is a cautionary offering before you… else there would be no cause to call it a


Undoubtedly, if you read the mod page in its entirety (which I suggest), you can imagine there

is a great deal of excitement that awaits you!


But the colorful description belies the dangers that await the fragile NPCs that exist all over

Skyrim and Solstheim. Those who should be of the highest concern to you should include all

the children and their mothers, for life in a Skyrim orphanage is a limited, dull and harsh reality

For those who lose their mothers- even if ol’ Grelod “The Kind” IS DEAD! If you choose to enter

the life of a Lycanthrope, the sight of your blood-kin slaughtering innocents may come as a bitter reality check.

So let it not be said that the authors did their best to embrace this fantastical version of role-playing reality…

But sometimes the blood-price is painfully HIGH.

More to the point, if you happen to be a bard (via the “Become a Bard” mod on Steam or alternately when using

the Follower Vilja mod on Nexus) - your innkeepers and some vendors become assets to your gameplay as well.

Assets that you do NOT want eradicated by any means, because performance artists rely heavily on these publicans for their mainstay.

That is not to suggest that being a musician and the beast blood cannot or should not be mixed-

variety is the spice of Skyrim life! (Just keep your paws off my WIFE! LOL)

But even if you were merely a traveler who relied on the stability of the 19 accessible Inns and taverns,

all along the winding roads of this snow-covered danger zone- I think you’d agree that these establishments

are far less accommodating if the folks behind the counter HAVE BEEN SLAIN IN AN UNPRECEDENTED UPHEAVAL,

caused by “BEAST” hunting factions like THE SILVER HAND…

or even some misguided Vigilants of Stendarr, who have somehow mistaken you for…

a DAEDRA!? Whaaaaat? :facepalm: Here’s the big problem…

When these “publicans”, innkeepers, bartenders and house-bards have befriended you- they will risk life and limb to protect you…

usually with little more than IRON DAGGERS against impossible odds. :wacko:

These rogue “hunters” abide by no rules and stop at NO boundaries. They will spawn at anytime, anywhere and follow you into ANY CELL…


BEWARE! :ohmy:

That is why I strongly suggest if you intend to use this vast and complex mod-

START SETTING EVERYONE and ANYONE that is important to you or your mode of role-play

to ESSENTIAL. This can be done very simply, by opening the console with the tilde key

when you are in range of the NPCs you need to protect. Use your mouse and click on the NPC in question,

which should (hopefully) bring up a small window containing their statistics. But more importantly- their BASE ID CODE.

If this feature is not available on your PC, by simply opening the console and typing the person’s name will usually provide you with the base ID code.

EXAMPLE: open console and type help Hulda. Her base ID code will be a 5-digit number usually located in the bottom right-hand side of the console screen.

Note, that residents of Solstheim will have a 7-digit base ID code. If you don’t know the first 2 digits of their ID codes already, simply typing “help pickaxe”

will bring up the Ancient Nord pickaxe and can supply you with the first 2 digits you need. (The first # is ALWAYS a 0.) :wink:

Sting may have sung (and quite eloquently, I might add) “…if you love somebody… if you need someone… set them free.” I say “SET THEM ESSENTIAL”

…and save the drama for your momma!!! :tongue:

These valuable suggestions are worthy of standing alone- AS IS, allowing all of you the responsibility and challenge

of travelling to these important places and seeking out these valuable NPCs for yourself. But my heart is TOO LARGE for my own good.

I could’ve, but I didn’t just stop there. Why???

Because I love all of my fellow Skyrim gamers, and all of the amazing Modders who contribute to the PC version of TES5.

It would even be fair to say I love the Nexus community, despite its bullies (some of which are MODERATORS!!!) I’m not naming any names…


TONE IT DOWN!!! :wallbash:

Pardon my exuberance…. *ahem, ahem* :sweat:

Now back to the important matters at hand.

If you intend to use “Werewolf Tales- Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul”, you should follow these guidelines-

either prior to installment or directly after (I suggest the FORMER). Make good use of the information I’m about to provide you.

If you are truly thankful… toss me a Kudos! I just get so giddy when somebody actually appreciates me!


Now, if you aren’t already familiar with “The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages”- I seriously suggest you check them out.

They are the main source for the information I’m about to share with you.


Get familiar with the command COC, which means “Center on Cell”.

You will need this to take you to 19 different taverns/Inns if you intend to preserve the lives of those good folks who supply meals and beds to rest in.

These individuals, and the establishments in which they function are the focal point of this lengthy effort.


That being said- LET’S GET STARTED! :rolleyes:

Note: To set anyone essential, open console, click on them and type: setessential (ID #) 1

(These points of interest are provided in the same order as listed on the UESP, which can be referenced here):



1) Braidwood Inn (Kynesgrove) - COC kynesgrovebraidwoodinn Innkeeper: Iddra. ID: 13362

2) Candlehearth Hall (Windhelm) – COC windhelmcandlehearthhall Innkeeper: Elda. ID: 1412a

3) New Gnisis Cornerclub (Windhelm) – COC windhelmnewgnisiscornerclub Innkeeper: Ambarys. ID: 1413e

4) Dead Man’s Drink (Falkreath) – COC falkreathdeadmansdrink Innkeeper: Valga. ID: 13655

5) Four Shields Tavern (Dragon Bridge) – COC dragonbridgefourshieldstavern Innkeeper: Faida. ID: 19a28

6) The Winking Skeever (Solitude) – COC solitudewinkingskeever Innkeeper: Corpulus. ID: 13266 (Try COC solitudeorigin if the other causes a CTD)

7) Moorside Inn (Morthal) – COC morthalmoorsideinn Innkeeper: Jonna. ID: 135ed

8- Nightgate Inn (Eastmarch wilderness) – COC nightgateinn Innkeeper: Hadring. ID: 13627

9) Windpeak Inn (Dawnstar) – COC dawnstarwindpeakinn Innkeeper: Thoring. ID: 13621

10) Silver-Blood Inn (Markarth) – COC markarthsilverbloodinn Innkeeper: Kleppr. ID: 133a3

11) Old Hroldan Inn (The Reach wilderness) – COC oldhroldaninn Innkeeper: Eydis. ID: 13b77

12) The Bee and Barb (Riften) – COC riftenbeeandbarb Innkeeper: Keerava. ID: 19dc8

13) Vilemyr Inn (Ivarstead) – COC ivarsteadvilemyrinn Innkeeper: Wilhelm. ID: 136bb

14) The Retching Netch (Solstheim) – COC dlc2rrtheretchingnetch Innkeeper: Geldis. ID: 0X018290

(The “x” represents the place your Dragonborn DLC finds itself in your plugins list.)

15) Frostfruit Inn (Rorikstead) – COC roriksteadfrostfruitinn Innkeeper: Mralki. ID: 136b6

16) Sleeping Giant Inn (Riverwood) – COC riverwoodsleepinggiantinn Inkeeper: Orgnar. ID: 13479

17) The Bannered Mare (Whiterun) – COC whiterunbanneredmare Innkeeper: Hulda. ID: 13ba3

18) The Drunken Huntsman (Whiterun) – COC whiterundrunkenhuntsman Inkeeper: Elrindir. ID: 13b9e

19) The Frozen Hearth (Winterhold) – COC winterholdthefrozenhearth Inkeeper: Dagur. ID: 1c183


Additional notes-


For those who use “Profile Manager” like I do, and wish to protect those characters who have no intention

of becoming vampires, werewolves… or even WEREBEARS, for that matter-

heed this.


Although you may possess jewelry and armor enchanted with “RESIST DISEASE”, Bethesda

Secretly capped the true efficacy of all preventative items at 85%! In other words- they cannot (and should not)

be relied upon as your sole means of disease protection. You could be wearing a half-dozen different items,

with oodles of poison resistance for example, but I’ll be darned if those chaurus aren’t still capable of afflicting poison damage

on a character (that was SUPPOSED) to be fully protected!) Bah!!! :yucky:

There are also some races which boast natural resistances to disease, but even these inborn tolerances cannot protect them

from ALL the poisonous and disease carrying creatures. (That’s right! You’re still at risk!) Unless…

You’re willing to use a little console MAGIC on your characters!

(Spare us the hard-core, no-cheating code of honor rabble, you extremists!) :mad:


For those wishing to avoid infections/afflictions ENTIRELY- this is THE ONLY way to prevent it.

Open console. Type: player.forceav diseaseresist 999999

This command can be reversed, say… if you’re holding off on getting infected until all the NPC’s you wish to protect

have been checked off your list. Just re-type that same command, but in the place of the 9’s- put ZEROS.

Then go and catch yourself something- you wild thing, YOU! ;-)


FYI- The fun doesn’t stop there… check out these Actor Value Indices!!!


http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Actor_Value_Indices :ninja:


This was a big pain in the butt to compile, and I wouldn’t have shared it if I didn’t care. Please,

keep that in mind! :wub:


I sincerely hope that this will help safeguard your game from irreparable tragedies and

make the usage of this noteworthy mod less intimidating to those who share concerns similar to my own.

The point of all of this is to HAVE FUN, but also to be aware of the possible repercussions and pitfalls

of using powerful mods (that could change your Skyrim FOREVER.)


With deep gratitude and even deeper bows to all that made this possible… GO FORTH AND KICK MUCH BUTT :pirate:

… (Yet keep as informed as possible!)



-Dallesse :kiss:


P.S.- This is what happens to those who don't get set essential...




You see? I'm not joking!!!

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Just so you know, the vigilants do not only hunt deadra they also hunt vampires werewolves and witches.


also the mod NPCs protected redux does a damn good job at reducing casualties just don't go wild with your fireballs.

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