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Missing Zeta Astronaut's suit


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Not sure if it's a mod conflict, or just a glitch in my DLC, but when I reached the cryo-stasis room with the Cowboy, Samuri, etc, the Astronaut simply wasn't there. No body, suit, anything. I'b played Zeta on xBox, so I know he was supposed to fall out of his cryo cylider with the others, but there was just nothing.


Of course, like a dumb-ass, I didn't keep a save on the level before; I was using some pretty pumped Star Wars gear and was having too much fun blowing through the levels wasting 'Neomodians' in my Mando armor to wast time saving..... oops


I don't want to replay the entire level from scratch, and if it is a conflict that wont help me anyway.


Could anybody slip me a cheat code that will add the suit to my inventory? Or know a common conflict that I could turn off while I complete the level? Any and all help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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I doubt this will make you feel any better about it, but that happened to me on my last play through on Zeta. I've played it two or three times before without any problems, but this last time, no astronaut and no suit. According to the Fallout Wiki, the base id for the Spacesuit is xx0058eb (with xx being your load order for Mothership Zeta). Try using that through the cheat console. I actually had an add-on for my Pip Boy that gave me access to a Spacesuit, but I had obtained that while playing before doing Zeta. Edited by Druuler
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Form ID codes for any and all items can easily be found on many, many websites, or you could just load the mod into the GECK and look it up for yourself. First place anyone should check is the Fallout Wiki, you might want to bookmark that one for future reference! ;) Anyway, the Form ID for the unique Spacesuit is "xx0058EB", if you don't know how to use the console to add items then I suggest you read the Fallout 3 Console Commands page on the Wiki, that should explain it much better than I ever could.
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Thanks much for the really quick replies! I've gamed in Oblivion and Fallout for some time, and have added a few mods to both in the past, but I'm still a major n00b when it comes to actual modding and the command console. I've never used the console in Fallout, and only very occasionally in Oblivion. Just never really had the need before now.


I'll try out those links ASAP. Thanks again so much for the tips! :)





Ok, the load order code threw me for a bit, but I managed to figure it out through the wiki and you guys's help; thanks so much again! My Mando character is once more taking over the space lanes above the wasteland!!! :D

Edited by Ralin Drakus
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