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Void Question


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I'm working on my first ever mod attempt, and I was curious. When making a room, is it important to hide the void entirely?


For example, I'm working on a sort of tower inside my place, but a bit of void shows between the seems. It's not noticable from a normal perspective, but if you start moving the camera up where it shouldn't reach, the void shows.


Do I need to seal this up air-tight, or will it be alright like that? Thanks.

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The void shows as pitch blackness ingame, so unless you're making a light, airy place like a temple, it's ok to have some showing here or there. What is really more annoying is seeing objects out of alignment.




You should really do your best to make it fit as perfectly as possible. Turn on snap to grid and that will help greatly.





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All right, as long as the player doesn't accidentaly falls into it.

It looks bad, so you should (at least) hide it from a normal point o' view.


Yeah. That's what I've done. You won't notice a problem unless you're looking for them. It's mostly just stacking pieces that don't entirely fit together.


Are there any problems (aside from falling off the face of the map) that could happen from leaving bits of the void present in your map? I feel I've done a decent job masking them, but if they're going to be an issue, I'll simply be removing that portion of the map in favor of a map that works.


Edit: Also. Just for visual aid, I'm working on a dungeon styled building. Think Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. So, there's a lot of dark pockets and stuff that'll help cover up the alignment problems.

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Nope. It'll prolly cause strange problems if the player fires an arrow "into" the void, but otherwise none I can think of.


"Trevius walks into the dark sinister room. And there it was. The void of death. The ending of all life. The eternal emptyness. Deadly silence. He had no choice. He MUST get to the other side of the room, in order to unlock the locked door leading to some unknown cell. Just to be precautionous, our hero decides to trow in an arrow in order to see the effect.


He unsheats his bow, and fires the arrow.




Fatal system error a14c


Oblivion crashes to desktop.


Microsoft urges you to send your error report to them.


Send Error.

Dont Send."

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Nope. It'll prolly cause strange problems if the player fires an arrow "into" the void, but otherwise none I can think of.

"Trevius walks into the dark sinister room. And there it was. The void of death. The ending of all life. The eternal emptyness. Deadly silence. He had no choice. He MUST get to the other side of the room, in order to unlock the locked door leading to some unknown cell. Just to be precautionous, our hero decides to trow in an arrow in order to see the effect.

He unsheats his bow, and fires the arrow.


Fatal system error a14c

Oblivion crashes to desktop.

Microsoft urges you to send your error report to them.

Send Error.

Dont Send."

Not that kind of error. More like:

"He unsheats his bow, and fires the arrow.


His FPS drops from 50 to 5" Or well, 50 to 35 :)

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