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Shader Package Leak


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Hi, I'm new to the forums but I hope everyone here loves all things Oblivion as I do. I have an ageing computer now with a radeon 9600 card. My shader packages that come with the game are starting to leak! I get warnings in the editor stating packages 1 and 15 are leaking! Please excuse me but, is this software, not actual real ink cartridges?

Is there a Graphics Guru out there who could help me as I am mystified and dumbfounded by this?

Best Wishes Zapata935.

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Thankx for your reply and concern, It was the editor warnings posted in the My games folder, ala desktop. I now have good news, the problem, I hope has been solved! I say that with baited breath, because the shaders have stopped leaking and the menu's have starting flickering like an old 70's TV! The reason is I forgot to load an updated driver for not my graphics card, but my Motherboard Chipset, probably the last thing you would think about a graphics problem! I'm far from perfect but to see the game again in full glory is fantastic, shader leak is a huge downer as it completely ruins the immersion of the game.

Thankyou and best wishes Zapata.

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  • 2 months later...

Thankx for your reply and concern, It was the editor warnings posted in the My games folder, ala desktop. I now have good news, the problem, I hope has been solved! I say that with baited breath, because the shaders have stopped leaking and the menu's have starting flickering like an old 70's TV! The reason is I forgot to load an updated driver for not my graphics card, but my Motherboard Chipset, probably the last thing you would think about a graphics problem! I'm far from perfect but to see the game again in full glory is fantastic, shader leak is a huge downer as it completely ruins the immersion of the game.

Thankyou and best wishes Zapata.

This is a current update, if you have recently had cause to re-install windows like I had to do to re-partion my hard drives. Then done, you must download and install the very latest version of your Motherboard chipset drivers!

I now believe this problem only concerns owners of ATI agp Radeon cards! If you have to reinstall windows xp, first load up your original drivers that came with your newly bought graphics card. then search the net for any legacy software or drivers. version 11.2 is out there now. I hope this helps anyone who is inflicted by Shader Package leak, I would rather live one day as a tiger than one thousand years as a sheep!

Best Wishes

Edited by Zapata935
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