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Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mod Request


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As a fan of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos, and knowing there's a cult following for such, I would like a renaming mod that takes the Cthulhu inspirations in the Dragonborn DLC further. I don't know the CK enough to do this myself. This request is fairly straightforward. I would like all game mentions of certain characters and places changed to match the mythos, including the following. I know that there are voice narrations that can't be edited, and that's fine.


  • Hermaeus Mora = Cthulhu
  • Apocrypha = R'lyeh
  • Lurker = Deep One
  • Seeker = Flying Polyp
  • Black Book: Waking Dreams = Black Book: Necronomicon


A more extravagant mod would change all Black Books to names of esoteric tomes in mythos lore (Book of Azathoth, Book of Eibon, Book of Iod, Cultes des Goules, De Vermis Mysteriis, King in Yellow, and Pnakotic Manuscripts), off the coast add a small village called Innsmouth populated by surly Argonians with the fins mod, and even add to Solstheim a randomly spawning clan of bandit NPCs called Cultists of Cthulhu who can summon Deep Ones (Lurkers) and Flying Polyps (Seekers) while wielding lesser powered Miraak Swords called Eldritch Blades.

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