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Okay, how do I get rid of the frickin cute mystical unicorn?


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A little while back I picked up a little white unicorn. Nice right? Well, it gets in the way. It turns my horse. And if you hit it in battle, because it's always right there, it turns on you and kills you. I I tried to kill it once. I lost.


I know it has something to do with the Cute Elves.


What can I do?





Edited by MuggleDude
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What happens if you click on it with the console open and once the refID is displayed at the top of the screen type "disable" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter?


- Edit - If it's set to essential you'll need the baseID to make it non-essential before you can kill it with the console (and to get the baseID you'll need to either load the mod's ESP in the Construction Set or TES4Edit).

Edited by Striker879
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If you know for sure what mod it is from, I honestly suggest sending a message to the mod author. Suggest to them an option to remove the unicorn from game (should be easy for them to do at least to provide an optional file for download that doesn't include the unicorn). That is the best option since it will help everyone who uses the mod. You will be doing a public service.


OK, let's say you refuse to do a public service. Assuming you want to keep the rest of the mod intact, you need to basically do what the developer did--you need to download CreationKit. If you're willing to take this step, you can then open the files peculiar to the mod, go to the Races section, find the unicorn and delete it. (This assumes the unicorn was created in the usual manner.) The downside to this approach is that there may still be extraneous scripts and other bits related to the unicorn that get left in game, and can potentially throw an error, depending on how the creator implemented them. But it might also work without a hitch, so it's worth a shot.


But seriously, I recommend just sending a message to the mod author.


Edit: Haha, I didn't even think of using the console to just disable it. You can also use the console to try to kill it, if disable doesn't work.

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@Striker--I was in the middle of a battle with a sniper lurking somewhere above when the unicorn appeared from nowhere and attacked. I hit the console key, disabled him on the spot, killed the bad guys and routed out the sniper.




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