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Some lite jobs for Project Brazil


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New Shields are up. Just need to swap the handles on the sign shields with these new leather straps. Should probably check to see if they fit the player's arm mesh first! XD I hate clipping. But if it saves time, f*#@ it.





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New Shields are up. Just need to swap the handles on the sign shields with these new leather straps. Should probably check to see if they fit the player's arm mesh first! XD I hate clipping. But if it saves time, f*** it.

Should I start on them, or did you still want to tweak them a bit? Same link (post #5, page 1)?

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I'll have to send you a private link, but yeah, they're wrapped up. I still need to make collision and clean up the signs, but the round shields are ready to go. I'll send them over now.




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  • 3 weeks later...


2. Radio Station Anti-Repeat


5. Grammar & Spelling Check


7.Adding NPCs and their routine packages


Hi, if you're still looking to fill those jobs, I can have a go at it. If you need some reference to previous work, I have collabed with various people and am fairly well conversant with most aspects of mod development. Have a marked bias for Brit Eng but am aware that Fallout is set in America and have no qualms employing the American variant of the language. :tongue:

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I'm a Northampton expat to America, so you'll find an awful lot of u's and such where there normally wouldn't be. XD


My biggest editing concern is concision. Saying the same thing with less. There is a lot of rich information here, especially in the more engaging NPCs, but I could often get away with saying less. That, and my typos get overlooked!


The radios will need to be set up in a new way, so that RadioHello and tracks agree with one another. We made every dialogue and music a topic, so they're really choosing at random. But there is no scripting to prevent them from looping the same track over and over, or repeating them several times in a row after one variation. It's a quick fix with a tutorial to follow, I'm just busy with other art things.


Finally, Union City needs several stages:


START - Civilian NPCs are off the streets, doors are locked, guards at are at their posts along the wall.


BATTLE - Civilian NPCs are off the streets or fleeing, guards are in combat, spawing new ones if lost.;

------------ Initially disabled ruins and fires are toggled on, as well as carpet bombing marks.


POST BATTLE - Troopers sandbox on wall. Civilians explore and sandbox (shop owners at wait markers, sweeping floors, eating at bar, etc.) Shops and doors unlock. [DISABLE CORPSES AFTER 1 HOUR]


NORMAL - Shops close at 7:00pm, bar closes at 12:00am, opens at 8:00am. Injured troopers limp at med tent, sleep on bunks, farmers walk along roads and rake the fields, and caravans come and go.

-------------Disable corpses, fires.


STREET COMMOTION - Annai Oran shoots her bounty in the street outside the bar. A circle forms around the body and disperses afterwards.


MOB / NCR SHOWDOWN - All doors locked, civilians off the streets


DESERTED - The Raider player has conquered the valley and everyone is dead of fled the town.




Obviously, the normal package is the most complex. Feel free to make an independent quest container for troopers, civilians, shop keepers, and caravans. If all the stages of this self-contained quest are set up for that another scripter can quickly trigger the routines and packages later, that would be ideal.


Let me know what you think!

Edited by Thaiauxn
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biggest editing concern is concision


Gotcha. Concise or rambling, can do both :smile:


I don't think there will be a problem with the radio fix.


As for the NPC routines,



another scripter can quickly trigger the routines and packages later


I understand the intent but not sure how well this would actually work out since it's often more time-consuming to reverse-engineer someone else's work than do all of it from scratch. The routines themselves don't sound hard to deploy. But without access to the quest stages/conditions that will trigger each phase, I'm not sure how to set it up or how to test if they are functioning correctly, and it sounds like this is going to be reserved for a later stage of development. My concern is that combing through them later to set the conditions, sort them out, trigger them etc. might end up hindering your scripter's efficiency rather than boosting it. I can set up the npcs and packages 'blindly' (though you'll have to fill me in on the background) so if your scripter is okay with rummaging through the packages afterwards, it's fine.

Edited by nonoodles
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Cool nonoodles. Toss me your email address in a PM and I'll hook you up with your files. :) I'll have you tackle the dialogue and radio for now.


We'll try to figure out the best way to tackle the packages. ^^

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