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Skyrim Music


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I recently had a thought while modding my music files in Oblivion: Bethesda should get some of Square Enix's composers to do some music for Skyrim. I'd love to hear the product of a collaboration among Jeremy Soule, Nobuo Uematsu, Hiroki Kikuta, Noriko Matsueda (Bahamut Lagoon, Final Fantasy X-2), Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenosaga I; I know it's not a Square game but it still had a boss soundtrack), Yuji Kajiura (Xenosaga II; see before), and Tsuyoshi Sekito (Brave Fencer Musashi) in an Elder Scrolls game for once.

No you're alright, no JRPG for us.

What's wrong with having that kind of music in an Elder Scrolls game? What do you think is going to happen?

Its really more or less the fact its a different game, which isn't TES-styled; they probably wouldn't want their composers making music for another company anyway. Not that I don't like those games (or their music) though, they are really good.

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I'm excited to hear that Soule will most likely be coming back for Skyrim. However, I have very mixed feelings I'm not a very big fan of the theme. I can tell it'll get annoying after the first three times loading the game, and it lacks the wonderful melody that both Morrowind and Oblivion contained. You can bet I'll be replacing it with the same some I've had set in Oblivion for a good, long while.




...they probably wouldn't want their composers making music for another company anyway...


A lot of composers do work for multiple, unrelated series; Soule's done many classics such as Guild Wars, Neverwinter Nights, some Harry Potter titles and my personal favorite, Secret of Evermore. :D

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I will say that playing Morrowind first brought me a different perspective on the rest of the TES game even to come. Its music, to me, is perfect tho short, game play unique, and story and variety unparalleled to any TES game made thus far. The first thing I did when Oblivion came out was add the MW music to Oblivion Music files. I will probably do the same in Skyrim, just because the music in both game are epic with the game.


The music in the trailer for Skyrim is a combo of both MW and OB to my ears. It may not be the theme music but if it will be I do agree with Eiries that it will get tiring after a while, unless they get a good background as in OB, the moving map. I have high hopes in the game Skyrim! :woot: :biggrin: :happy:

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I recently had a thought while modding my music files in Oblivion: Bethesda should get some of Square Enix's composers to do some music for Skyrim. I'd love to hear the product of a collaboration among Jeremy Soule, Nobuo Uematsu, Hiroki Kikuta, Noriko Matsueda (Bahamut Lagoon, Final Fantasy X-2), Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenosaga I; I know it's not a Square game but it still had a boss soundtrack), Yuji Kajiura (Xenosaga II; see before), and Tsuyoshi Sekito (Brave Fencer Musashi) in an Elder Scrolls game for once.

No you're alright, no JRPG for us.

What's wrong with having that kind of music in an Elder Scrolls game? What do you think is going to happen?

Its really more or less the fact its a different game, which isn't TES-styled; they probably wouldn't want their composers making music for another company anyway. Not that I don't like those games (or their music) though, they are really good.

That's why I said they should do a collaboration with Soule. I'd imagine some of those composers also do work for other companies or have done so before.


I'm no expert on the logistics of the whole thing, but they'd at least just have to get some Japanese translators in case Uematsu, Kikuta, and the rest of them don't speak English. Then trade music files to get an idea of what they'd be working with. Compose some new music together, edit it all appropriately, and send the data to Bethesda. Shouldn't be that hard, language barriers aside.

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I'm excited to hear that Soule will most likely be coming back for Skyrim. However, I have very mixed feelings I'm not a very big fan of the theme. I can tell it'll get annoying after the first three times loading the game, and it lacks the wonderful melody that both Morrowind and Oblivion contained.


Considering it's a mix of both the Oblivion and Morrowind theme, I don't see it having another melody... :P

But I do agree it could get a little annoying if they don't change it. Though I think they will make it longer, as if you compare it to oblivion, or the even longer Morrowind theme, it is quite short...

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I think that the theme shown in the trailer is very good. The main music for III and IV share a recurring theme however the arrangements symbolise the provinces they represent. Morrowind has a more magical and intriquet theme, which is reflected in the game, it is also very polyphonic with many parts. Oblivion's theme is more epic, more homophonic and with a simpler structure which again reflects the province and events in the game. I'm sure Skyrim's music will be epic, with the choir adding a more Germanic/Norse theme to the music. Soule must spend ages writing and re-writing scores to capture the essence of the games as he does so very well.


JRPG music, or even a collaboration would not play well with me. What i love about the ES series is its strong base in european cultures and historical and realistic settings. You'll never see a 19 year old boy, with a crush on a pretty anime heroine carrying a sword thrice his own body length and riding his pet that just happens to be a dinosaur.

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