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Tiny problem.


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As you know, scripting in the NV GECK is kinda bugged, and doesn't let you save it if there's a problem in it. My problem is, my script wont save as there is a problem, I can't identify it though. It's a script for a lightswitch.


scn 000ACTIPBSLightswitch01SCRIPT


Begin OnActivate


if 000LGHTPBSCeilingLight256REF.GetDisabled == 0








It should be easy to fix, I'm a dummy with scripting.



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scn 000ACTIPBSLightswitch01SCRIPT    ---------------This line is fine

Begin OnActivate     ---------------This line is fine

 if 000LGHTPBSCeilingLight256REF.GetDisabled == 0          ---------------This line is fine
         000LGHTPBSCeilingLight256REF.disable                ---------------This line is not needed. You are checking it the item is disabled and it is this disables the item again.

 endif           ------------------This is your problem, endif ends the entire if statement. it just needs to be removed.

 else        ---------------This line is fine
              000LGHTPBSCeilingLight256REF.enable          ---------------This line is fine
 endif         ---------------This line is fine

End        ---------------This line is fine


You may also have a problem with your naming of the reference. I know for some objects you cannot use a number as the first character for a reference name.

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