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Nexus should be against this not FOR it!


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I won't charge for my mods, but I don't take issue with others charging.


Only thing is, Steam seriously needs better piracy protection and a more even price split with modders.

Edited by Aegrus
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My only concern about the Valve / Bethesda paywall is an update that renders non-purchased mods unusable. Donating to the great modders directly should help them decide there is a better way than lining the "hosts" pockets for a small portion of their efforts.

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My only concern about the Valve / Bethesda paywall is an update that renders non-purchased mods unusable. Donating to the great modders directly should help them decide there is a better way than lining the "hosts" pockets for a small portion of their efforts.

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My only concern about the Valve / Bethesda paywall is an update that renders non-purchased mods unusable. Donating to the great modders directly should help them decide there is a better way than lining the "hosts" pockets for a small portion of their efforts.

Which would never happen since both involved realize the shitstorm which this would cause, followed shortly after by an unofficial patch within the community to remove it.


The negatives are clear:


Authors are essentially handing 75% of the price of their mods to Valve, when Valve is doing little more than just hosting the mod. For this, authors open themselves up to DMCA claims, hostile customers, pressure to "fix" parts of their mod which don't work with every other mod.


Meanwhile those who buy mods through Steam only have 24 hours after the purchase to get any refund. Past those 24 hours, if the mod stops working, is not being updated, or starts to conflict with another mod, the customer cannot do anything about it. If the mod was uploaded illegally, pulled by the author, broken by an update, or pulled for copyright reasons, customers are not reimbursed.



Don't criticize the mod authors who are wanting to get paid for their work. Criticize Valve for handling all this through an inherently broken system that screws authors and customers alike.

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Don't criticize the mod authors who are wanting to get paid for their work. Criticize Valve for handling all this through an inherently broken system that screws authors and customers alike.




No, I think we should criticize them for selling out. If they want to get paid for their work, they're choosing the wrong career


Modding started out as a hobby, if you make a mod fully expecting yourself to be paid, then you should never start modding, you should be a professional, licensed content creator.


A certain degree of support is expected from a paid product, something a modder can never provide. Multi-billion dollar company like Valve has a legendary infamously bad customer service, how are paid mod authors going to guarantee support for their product? With free mods, incompatibilities can be sorted out, with paid mods, you need to buy mods you probably will never use simply for incompatibility issues


This is the time to act, we need to protect modding, we need to keep it safe under the warm blanket of community project, not greed-laden industry, and those who sold out think only of money instead of dignity and the future

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I just don't understand how anyone can support locking creativity and the sharing of ideas behind a paywall. It's disgusting to see people easily give up something we've had freely and openly since the beginning of video games. What happens when your favorite free mods start becoming dependent on pay to play mods? What happens when mods can benefit from borrowing and sharing assets from other mods that are now for pay? When money is involved, people become greedy, and the sharing and community stop.

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Don't criticize the mod authors who are wanting to get paid for their work. Criticize Valve for handling all this through an inherently broken system that screws authors and customers alike.



Whilst I agree that mod authors should not be attacked in anyway, I think people certainly have the right to criticize them for publishing a paid mod on SW. Looking at the terms and everything, and how it opens you up to a whole other level of scrutiny and repercussions, I can't see why anyone would want to put a mod on there and charge for it. Some mod authors so far have, I believe, been turned by Valve/Beth, and then come to realise that actually it is a pretty ****y system, but those that adopt it from now on are making their own beds imo.


Are the pennies they will make really worth all of the hassle and bad will that is and will be being generated?...Also, reading the SkyUI thread they don't seem to realise that they are now speaking to potential customers and not fellow community members...Members who will expect a much higher level of support than if they got it for free. Are mod authors really willing to open themselves up to this increased level of scrutiny?...I have used free mods that have broken my game, and I have basically contacted the author who says he is aware or whatever, we've had a chat and he will maybe get round to it. Maybe he is busy atm...Fine, I don't expect any more. I'll come back later and see if it is in a better state. If a mod I paid $5 for breaks my game, you better believe I want it fixed straight away!


I'm not convinced and I think this is an experiment doomed to failure from the start tbh.

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Long time user/lurker, first time poster.


I understand that mod makers needing to make money on the creations that they make. There are costs for the creators for the tools they use to make the quality mods. I totally get it.


I have a problem with it being forced onto the comsumer, though, especially with no real rules surrounding the price, and long term support.


I also have a huge problem with it for sandbox games that we pay for, and pay for official DLC. Free to play games like Dota 2 and TF2, it works and makes perfect sense to be able to create mods and get paid. It helps fund those FTP games.


Just my opinion, but its beyond unreasonable to expect the comsumer to get keep shelling out money to use mods that are generally made of love for the game in question, and a passion to create. It changes the meaning behind mods.


I would much rather have a donate option, rather than it a forced issue.


I know I'm not saying anything new reallly, just showing my support for Nexusmods and free mods.

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I havent seen anywhere Nexus stating they were in favor of this.. Why title the thread as such?


Either way, i see this as nothing but bad for modding, and the pC gaming community as a whole.. Modding, is why pc gaming is what it is today.. Companies like bethesda, wouldnt be but a drop in a bucket, without these modders.. We would all just go the cheap route, and play on console, if not for mods.. This, i predict, (if it sticks) will just ruin the pc gaming. Many scammers, and "gold sellers" will flock to modding, and infect your systems, cash in on incomplete, stolen, or viruses, and people will just stop.. Modders wont mod, people wont download..


This has always been a friendly, welcoming community. Money is indeed, the root of all evil, and it will ruin this for us all. Even if this doesnt take off, Steam has ignited the flame.. The seed has been planted, and its going to change things forever, imho.. Last time i visited Nexus, SKyrim had just under 50,000 mods.. Today i come to get the news, and see barely 40,000 mods..


While i agree many of you modders deserve much, thats not why its done.. Its done out of love, and passion for the game youre playing.. If its just been made to better your personal experience, then uploaded for others to enjoy.. Its been for good, loving reasons.. With money involved, those reasons, and goals change.. If i wasnt a single income father of 4, supporting a wife, 4 kids, a mortgage, and car payment, i would gladly send 5-10$ as often as i could.. I LOVE SMS, and anything InsanitySorrow, Cabal120, and many others do.. I even finally starte playing the Fallou series, after 2-3,000 hrs of Skyrim, just to see your works! I cannot play without much of these things.. Script Extenders make a game, that may otherwise start to get old after playing through it for the 3rd or 4th time, feel like a brand new experience.. BOSS, has to take hundreds of man hours.. Unoffical Patches, textures, meshes, quests, new lands, npcs, ovehauls.. These are AMAZING! Placing pay walls, will ruin all that..


The ONLY good things that ill say has come of this, is that i will indeed now take what little i do have, and give something.. My electric service may occassionally be cut off, and my internet gets cut off every other month.. But without gaming, my life would be in shambles.. Its my only escape from everyday struggles, and stresses..That said, i will not support any modder who decides to sell their product..(THE FOLLOWING IS JUST AN EXAMPLE, NOT ACTUALLY HAPPENING) What happens when one of these requiring say SKSE goes for sale.. Later down the line, SKSE goes up for sale, and now were forced to buy more, to get what we already purchased to stay working.


Edit: without Gopher, i would never have even tried my 1st mod.. Wanted to make sure i gave that credit.. I dont understand any of it, but you made it easier/understandable for an incompetant dropout, felon..

Edited by rizilliant
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So gone are the days when people could just simply make the conscious decision not to buy a paid mod and leave it at that? Now you have to hostile towards those who are acknowledging the natural progression of modding and are using it as a way to support their living expenses so that they can focus more time and effort towards making their mods better? Can something be a passion while also paying the actual bills?


Stop for a moment and think about this. How many authors have simply vanished or stopped working on a mod because they could no longer afford to and had no legal options before. How many times have people tried to go through underhanded means of trying to earn something for the hundreds of hours spent on a mod only because there were no options. Not everyone has the privilege of living rent-free with dozens of hours a week spent on their hobby. Furthermore, creating things like new models, textures, and animations often requires expensive tools and training. For this you insist that the one spending all this effort should get nothing but their own "satisfaction" in doing it? How long do you really think that can be sustained?


Do not misunderstand, not everyone is in this situation, there are certainly those who are just wanting to cash in, just as there are certainly those who want to have their creations available for free. It is not about forcing one way or another, simply making the options available.


If you disagree, just don't buy those mods. Simple. If some "crucial" mod were pay-walled, just don't use it or wait till someone makes another mod like it which does essentially the same thing for free or supported by donations. It's exactly the same situation that exists with DLC. When DLC first came into play, it was free extras released by the game company to give bonuses to customers who registered their games, went to their site, or just to give a little extra. When it started being paid content, people went crazy then too... But in time most people realized that they didn't have to buy things like Horse Armor since it added nothing to their experience or wasn't worth the pricetag. The only problem now is that the mentality has changed, people get this impression that they need to have everything given to them or that they have to have everything available or else they are somehow missing out. People forget that they have the power to change how the market reacts just by deciding with their pocketbook. Even if you buy one of those "protest mods", you are essentially supporting the very system that mod is against by means of giving money and popularity to the system.


I personally wouldn't pay for any mod that wasn't extremely well done and substantial enough to be worth the price. Just like how I look at ALL DLC. But I also support the option to allowing modders to get something from all their hard work. I've spent years modding, I know the work involved, I know the annoyances and frustrations that come from having to give it all up in order to work some shitty job so you can make rent. It isn't like Steam is the first one to try and make money from mods. People have been trying for years between kickstarters, selling resources, hosting through ad sites, or outright sales via illegal means. I don't think we're at a point where modding can be a viable vocation, nor do I think Steam has the best system for this, but atleast they're making steps towards making it legal and taking the brunt of negative opinion to lay the groundwork.

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