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For modders: what would make the toolset more friendly?


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Good afternooon; I'm posting this here on behalf of the Dragon Age Friendly Toolset Inititive group on the Bioware Social Network. What I was wondering is this; what would you like to see that would make the toolset more friendly and useful to you. Please post here and I will pass these ideas and suggestions to the fine folks on BSN on your behalf.
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A manual? :wallbash: Lack of proper documentation and instructions on how things work are the biggest problems there are with the current toolset. One is forced to either search (usually unsuccessfully) for a tutorial written by other modders or resort to trial and error.
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Believe it or not, I was anticipating this answer; could you describe what you would like the wiki (toolset documentation) to contain? Also, is the present wiki structured in such a way that you were able to find where the existing available information was, even though it wasn't exactly adequate or were you lost trying to find it?
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Believe it or not, I was anticipating this answer; could you describe what you would like the wiki (toolset documentation) to contain?


How about everything one might want or need to do. It does a fair job on creation for what it covers but there is nothing for editing what already exists.


As an example, in my DA Kids mod, the camera height and positioning is way off where it needs to be in at least 70% of the dialogue scenes. There is no information whatsoever on repositioning the view. My mod is not the only one that has to deal with this issue; any of the race change mods have the same problem. To have to rewrite every scene is a near impossible task for a non-professional modder that has to go to work every day.


Scripting needs a lot of attention. The basic scripts should be ready to be copy and pasted with the text to be replaced color coded and reader friendly. Either that or the scripting layout in the toolset itself needs to be categorized instead of the massively long alphabetical list. While I am on the subject of scripting, it would be nice if the game scripts were un-obfuscated or if that isn't possible, include the nss files and allow the toolset to edit them - it would save many people a whole lot of time. I understand that there are things that must be hard-coded but that which can be changed should be readily and easily changed.


Also, is the present wiki structured in such a way that you were able to find where the existing available information was, even though it wasn't exactly adequate or were you lost trying to find it?


The wiki's search feature could be cross-referenced better but I see from just looking that it has received some attention in that area as well as some new content added since I was last there. I'll take a closer look at the new things tomorrow.

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RustyBlade: Thanks for your input so far; it confirms what I've been saying to the group all along. On the subject of scripting, would having this information catagorized on the wiki be acceptable, as we aren't likely to convince Bioware to change how they lay things out in the toolset itself; also, I believe Bioware went with the system they did to make sure files were more easily backed up so that recovering from a system crash would take less time. It might be inconvienent to some, but having most of your game changes in one file can be extremely helpful.


Could you give me a list of tutorials that you would like to see added that aren't currently included?

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