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Blender Export settings for Armor for New Vegas


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Well, to start with, the 1st thing I'd do is click the Fallout 3 button on the export screen.


The next time you export, it should remember the last settings so if you only mod for FO3, you won't need to hit that particular button again. You will just need to focus on what particular settings you need for what you are exporting.


I've only done this for Oblivion so take this next bit of info with a grain of salt.


With the default options reset when you click the Fallout 3 button, I would assume you don't need to modify any buttons in the 1st column, the 2nd column (Collision Options) only applies to items that you can drop on the ground, so for armor, that would just be the GND (World) models...not what you actually wear. The 3rd column (Shader Options) is new to me and seem to be FO3-specific. But I'd try the default settings and just see what happens...if it works, take a screencap of the export screen and use Paint.NET or something similar to write any notes on the image and keep it tucked away in case you need to reference it later.


If it doesn't work, play around with the various settings in the 3rd column and see what works. Without documentation, that is what we all have to do until somebody that does figure it out writes a tutorial. A tutorial could be as simple as the screenshot of the export screen and simple notes on what or what not to push to achieve a desired effect...such as exporting armor....or exporting guns...or exporting chairs...etc.



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What he said about collumns 1 and 2 and you should be just fine.


Column 3 tho u gotta just have the default shader options and for Armors, turn on shadow map as well.


below those make sure use bsfadenode is off and export dismemberment vertex groups, or whatever its called is turned on.


Now when u export it basically works directly in the game! :biggrin:

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