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Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Nord Armor


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So I recently bought ESO and was urked by a few things after watching the cinematic trailers. But before I mention that, I should mention that these have nothing to dow ith the actual game and currently I am enjoying my time in ESO and Skyrim. Now, what urked me was how amazing the Nord's armor looked in the cinematics. And while this does not make sense, what really does confuse me is why no one has made said armor for either Skyrim or ESO (assuming you could at all in ESO). To give an example of what I am speaking of specifically:


People have made mods for both the Breton armor and the High Elf armors from the cinematics but for some odd reason either I can't find or there are no mods of this armor. Not even the axe he uses, just the armor. I assume one could make it either craftable, or you find it in a quest or maybe some skeleton in a dungeon somewhere who knows. Nonetheless I personally and I am sure a few others out there woud love this.


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