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Material propabilities: How to?


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First of all i hope this is the right forum. I want to make shiny metal for a sink. Not to shiny, but the correct amount.

How can i achieve this ingame?


Do i have to split up my model and give it diffrent values in nifskope? Or can similar be achieved just via texture work?

Is it a combination of the two? Maybe someone can point me to a tutorial or kindly explain. Thank you all.

Edited by Nadimos
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Normal map. The brighter it is, the more reflection.


Thanks, i got ndo and baked a normal, but now there are coming two questions with it:


I only want to have the effect on a certain area and second: Can i preview my work in nifskope?


As of now I am not exactly seeing a diffrence. I realise the best conditions are directly within the game,

but there gotta be a more or less accurate alternative to that, hopefully.


PS: Btw what exactly do you mean with brighter? I just open the baked normal and adjust the brightness and thats it?

Last but not least whats a good compression format? Thanks.

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Your normalmap needs an alphachannel and must be saved as dxt3 or dxt5.

The brighter the alphachannel is, the more reflection.


To have the effect on a certain area simply darken the other areas in the alpha channel.

If you need glossy on one area, you have to split this area in blender (if it not is) and change in the NiTexturingProperty the value from apply_modulate to apply_highlight.


Can i preview my work in nifskope? No. You need the game-engine.

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