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CTD On Save


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It has not been necessary to run the injector as a workaround up to this point (i.e. the default d3d9.dll wrapper has worked as anticipated so far). I can give it a try and see if that solves anything though; however, I will state that all of the ENB effects are working properly in game and I can play indefinitely until I attempt to save or run into a random CTD due to texture loading or some such.

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I suppose my last suggestion would be to run your mod list through TES5Edit.


Go module to module looking for RED type. That indicates a conflict between mods with potentially crash-inducing consequences. Many a CTD has been prevented by deleting the reference from the conflicting mod. Stuff like this won't show up in Boss or Wrye Bash or Loot but will be discovered in TES5Edit.


Edit - Save a backup of each esp you're modifying so you can restore it if things get worse

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Rashidedden -


Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that loading saves from another location fixed the issue. What I meant was that if I try to go back to where I left off after a CTD, any attempt to save or go through another load screen would cause another immediate CTD. This led me to conclude that one of these "super" crashes glitched the entire load area, making the game almost unplayable. Starting up from an older save was the only workaround I could come up with.


One other clue: for the past week I've launched the game from Steam rather than the Nexus Mod Manager and, while it still crashes about once a session, I can go right back to where I left off and am able to auto save or leave the load area as normal.

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  • 5 months later...

Any progress on a solution to the save CTD? This has just started with my game that I've been playing for over a year and had been, up to this point, stable. I've done the clean script cleaner and player.kill method also. Neither solved the problem permanently. I have tons of old saves I can revert to, but I believe this problem, once encountered, persists even with newly started game saves. There's got to be a solution.

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If youve been using autosaves and quicksaves, the cirruption has been creeping up like a plague. I have never run into this issue on any of my saves while only using full menu saves, but i have run into multiple times when using AS and QS in all Bethesda titles, except Skyrim because i have only ever used full saves.


And yiu cant really fix any save affexted by it either. So you cant just makexa full save and its fixed, albeit it my proling your play but eventually its dead. Blame the programmers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you found a solution to this, Rashediddin, or anyone? This is plaguing me, too, and I am only on Save 153 pottering around Whiterun and Riverwood! I have not even started a play-through. Last night everything was fine. Today - instant CTD on save. I've had this before and rebuilt a game with extreme care to get over it, yet to end up with the same problem. I use M.O. and all the regular tools. I can't help thinking this is something beyond the game - a Windross update or setting.



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