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"equipitem" made easier


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Is there some sort of mod that allows me to force any random npc into equipping certain weapon/shield/armor easily without requiring me to actually hire this npc as follower?



As for now, the only way I know is:


1) Get the codes for each item I want them to equip

2) Open console, click on them

3) equipitem *code* 1 (for each item)


I would love if someone made a mode where I could do something like.


1) Cast a spell on a npc... -> an "empty inventory window" would appear.

2) Drop whatever items I want them to equip into this window

3) Done! The mod would automatically do the "equipitem" code for each of the items I dropped into this window.



Is there such a mod around already? I would really appreciate any kind of suggestion.


Thanks in advance







I found a mod that does what I was asking. I'll place it here as an edit to not self-bump my thread.


Here's the link to it: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11662/?

Edited by CookieDynamics
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