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BFM LA Boneyard Thoughts


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Ok, gents... its "time" to talk about the Boneyard. With people helping me get San Francisco into the game, and Manhattan sitting on my desktop almost done... I've decided that its high time that I came back to my favorite "Lemon." By favorite Lemon, I mean the bottomless time pit that is LA. I have redesigned this city 4 times, and here is that order: Project Brazil, then The Journeyman Project, Back to Project Brazil, then The Company Man, and now... the present.


This will be my final attempt to design this accursed city because it has been 3 years and I am DETERMINED to see it finished. :pinch:


Here is what I have in mind for the final design. Three layers high, multi-layered design, limited free roam, lava... yes lava. Three phase city extending from Commercial District to Venice Beach to Interstate 105. The city will consists of 3 main areas. New Adytum will be the main settlement, the Boneyard Nexus will spread like a spider web throughout the landmass, and then... Venice Beach. I already know how the city is supposed to be scaled so designing everything won't be that hard. Also, I have the skyline already figured out... so I can check that off my long list.


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