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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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I totally understand you, I guessed that this was your standpoint already yesterday and I don't think anyone should hold it against you to take some money from the "evil empire". All morally and philosophically thoughts aside, every cent going to Nexus instead of Valve is a cent for the modding community.


And I don't envy you, I really don't. We are on a turning point in gaming history and we can not be sure if modding will ever be the same or survive. I am just a Nexus user but for you it's kind of a lifetimes work and you don't deserve to take s#*! from anyone.


If we want to blame, hate or even attack someone it's Valve and Bethesda. It's not the Nexus, not you and not the "renegade modders".

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In response to post #24639199. #24639864, #24640154, #24640609 are all replies on the same post.

Tantalus010 wrote:
mikeloeven wrote: Honestly Bethesda would be committing suicide by destroying free modding. The thing is that Bethesda may be talented game developers but they rely almost entirely on modding for continued sales after the initial release year of their games. Looks at fallout3 released in 2008 Still has a active community and is still selling on steam. Now go back farther Morrowind is still being sold on steam as well. when you look at it Bethesda has a track records for making video games with incredible longevity and the longevity is 100% based on active modding communities because it enables these games to have a completely different experience each time you play and for constantly expanding UGC.

If modding was reduced to DLC it would seriously hurt Bethesda's bottom line in the end while they would see a small increase short term from the DLC model eventually they would loose out on the sales of the main game that continue year after year due to modding

In my opinion valve is the snake in the grass
jediakyrol wrote: Don't forget they also depend on the modders to make their products stable... ... ...most of their games have baked-in save-eating bugs, CTDs, texture/mesh mis-assignments, and other "fun" features.
MsKitten wrote: how is it suicide? look at sims3? EA still does fine never hurt them.

Beth could do same. would it hurt them? yes? would they care? probly not. did EA? nope.

point is. if you can make enuff money off it then they will do it . this is just a test & see what money they rake in.

there's a reason why few games have had their workshops on hold not being opended this could be exactly why.

i can hope they dont go the true route EA went just make few more bucks.

@mikeloeven: I agree with your point somewhat; I just don't know if Bethesda agrees. They might think they can do just fine without mods. Here's the thing that gets me, though: Valve charging a cut for mods is like any other middleman/retail store. I get that. Their cut is outrageous (and criminal), but the mod authors knew that when they signed up. Bethesda getting a cut for mods is like a paintbrush manufacturer saying, "Here's a free paintbrush, but I get a 35% cut of the sale of any paintings you paint with it." That is a lot more wrong to me.

@jediakyrol: I agree with your point, but again, it doesn't matter what we think. If Bethesda thinks they can do this, they will probably try.

@MsKitten: I never even thought of this having been done before with the Sims. I tended to avoid paying for user created content unless something free required a resource. Now that I really look at it in light of the Skyrim thing, wow, that was really wrong of EA too. I definitely won't be paying for any more Sims content, that's for sure.
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In response to post #24640949.

steveling wrote:

Why? This doesn't make any sense? He's entirely transparent about the process. I can kind of understand the notion that you believe he is tacitly "supporting" the Workshop and Valve's move, but his posts have made it clear he doesn't.

At the same time, surely you can't think that he should've actively refused to list the site as a partner? The Nexus requires money - and from my previous experiences with websites and server costs, likely an awful lot of money - to support the modding scene (the free modding scene, I hasten to add) in the way that it does. To continue to develop this site as an alternative to the Workshop, it would've made no sense at all to dismiss Valve's proposal. He did all the leg work he had to to ensure his opinions and site itself remained free to operate.
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is it really possible for free and paid modding to coexist, i mean, wont many of the great modders now go and put their mods on workshop for sale? Mods on Nexus may always be free, but steam now offers authors a chance to earn some money from their work, and that is great, people will support the authors by purchasing their mods and we will get new, better and more professional content, but wont that only encourage new modders or known ones to make their mod for sale rather than making it free and thus leading to less stuff here on the nexus or any other free modding platform.

Now i dont say paid modding is bad, people have the chance to make money from their skills and that is great, also it will mean even greater mods will be made, im just saying wont all that lead to much less or lower quality content being available for free then it was before Valve introduced this feature?

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Really great post, it's a shame that you have to state your motives and intentions like this in order to rectify the dissemination of uninformed and accusatory views, but like you say, this is the internet. I think you've done it perfectly. It reads like a speech :)
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Thanks for the clarification!


I was horrified when I heard Skyrim's "Midas Magic Spells" mod put pop-up ads in the free version of his mod, encouraging people to go pay for the ''full version''.


Expect to see a lot more of that in-game popup add bs people!! ^

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I've only recently joined this site and started with modding skyrim for a couple months. I LOVE IT! Dark0ne, I've read your posts and I think you encapsulate everything very nicely and seem very level-headed about all of this. I hope the modders are too. I have no problem with them wanting to make money. I think they deserve it if they can get it. I have a HUGE problem with "supporting" a modder where Valve makes a 75% commission without actually doing much work for it. In the real world, salesmen make a percentage, or royalties because they are WORKING for it. Simply taking a huge cut for the sake of taking a huge cut is ridiculous.

Seeing the amount of work and the added quality of gaming experience some of the mods I've downloaded had me thinking, even before all of this, that I would like to support modders here and that's what I intend to do. I think everyone should consider it. The stronger we can make the "free" modding community by actually throwing them a bone now and then, the better we can resist the inevitable march towards corporations taking advantage of their customers.


Some years ago, Radiohead was tired of the pittance they got from their label for selling millions of records. Their "cut" (as it is with pretty much EVERY musician) is abysmal. The labels take a HUGE cut of music sales (Even more than Valve from modders). So they decided to sever ties and released an album independently on their website with a "pay what you want" scheme. Some people downloaded the album for free and paid nothing. I think the average was something like 5 bucks at the end of it all, far below the average price of a CD and you know what? The band made MORE money than they ever saw when they were with the label by a HUGE margin, because most of the profits were going to the band! AND they ended up selling 1.75 million physical CDs and special disk packages to boot! This can work! It already does work! We just have to show everyone that it does.

Some people are saying Valve has the modders by the balls because after all, "at least 25% of something is better than nothing." Well, we can turn it around and by directly supporting modders and making this community stronger and more successful, it will be the Valve execs looking at the donations, the hundreds of thousands of downloads and thinking to themselves "hmm, you know they're right. 25% of something is better than nothing," and get them to flip that revenue-sharing around. That, I would not have as big a problem with. If they made a reasonable sales commission, say 10% AND supported modders by providing tech support and knowledge to help them in their pursuits, I would heartily support an additional avenue for modders to be compensated. Until then, I've got some donations to make and modders to get in touch with here.

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Brilliantly said and I wholeheartedly agree with the points you made...thank you for remaining a voice of reason amongst this cacaphony. You, out of anyone involved hold a voice that carries a lot of weight in this trying time and I am incredibly grateful for your rationality and patience at a time like this. Again, THANK YOU.
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Great post Dark0ne thanks. It's nice to see at least a few people thinking clearly, managing to not fly off the rails in a rabid fury. I agree with everything you said really, and I actually am looking forward to seeing what kind of mods we are going to get because of these changes.
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