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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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@all - Hey we need to be CIVIL about this!


We all need to calm down and stop attacking each other. If we don't we are likely to cause what everyone is afraid of and panicking about (the complete destruction of free modding).


If we don't approach this with a calm, clear and reasoned mind we will get nowhere. Which will achieve nothing but the apocalyptic destruction of modding.


The cyber bullying also needs to stop as this will also get us no where as well.

Edited by MrGrymReaper
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In response to post #24674064. #24675694 is also a reply to the same post.

lordarcana wrote:
sgtmcbiscuits wrote: There is already a donation system in place. If you go to a user's profile on the Nexus, it should have a "donate" button at the top, near the different options like "add friend" and "message". Not all modders have it set up, but most do. If you want to donate, that's the way to do it

I will also add that a few mods i have downloaded thus far now have a "why not donate?" with the button next to the download button in the popup now; that has honestly made me think about doing so a few times already and I have! It seems a good implementation and is what Steam should change theirs too imo.
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In response to post #24673389. #24673869, #24673949, #24674134, #24674659, #24674689, #24674789, #24674949, #24675064, #24675239, #24675909, #24676019, #24676044, #24676314, #24676354, #24676424, #24676519 are all replies on the same post.

Lateraliss wrote:
carlocgc wrote: Exactly this.
Gameipedia wrote: did you not read the entire post?, His convictions as far as i can tell are to support the growth of modding community and keep a place for people to host and share mods for free, this site is run off of ads and premiums pretty much exclusively, he decided that if people want to give some of their money going into buying mods on steam towards nexus, that sure because it would help support the site, and in no way changes the site, and sure as hell does not change his beliefs which while also being NOT WHAT YOU said they were are also not to white knight against paid modding, if they are good enough they will be bought, if people can earn money doing something they enjoy, they will try to, there's nothing wrong with that and nexus isn't even involved in that. like really I just had to reiterate the very bare-bones point of this post in a much worse way both wordedly, and with misleading quotability, because apparently you either didn't read the whole post, or did not understand the point of the post.
Lateraliss wrote: A really long paragraph, but it doesn't change the facts. Do you know what it's called when you don't support something but accept money from it because "it's going to happen anyways" is? It's called selling out.

When I don't support something, I don't support it, which also means I don't take profits from it. It's called having conviction. To do that, regardless of whether "Nexus is involved in that", which it now is because he has agreed to take money from it, it's a pretty classless thing to do.

You can't bad talk the process, and then profit from it. That's called being a hypocrite.

You may think that I don't understand what he said, which I don't know how you could, because anyone with a modicum of intelligence would be able to see what he said. "I don't support the practice, but I'm going to take money from it anyways." Where he spends the money, or how he thinks this will support the modding community is moot.
phantompally76 wrote: You can buy in to his glib rhetoric and self-righteous narcissism all you want to. That doesn't change the fact that he IS condemning Valve and Steam's business practices with one hand, and accepting money made from those very business practices with the other. No matter how you apologists try to spin it, no matter how hard you close your eyes and try to wish it away, No matter how many hundreds of times you read his 5,000-word essay reassuring you that he's an innocent pawn, taking money from paid mod proceeds is a deliberate, immoral and unethical conflict of interest and a breach of trust, compounded by the fact that he wasn't forthcoming with this information, and only even addressed it because someone else made the community aware of it.

If you're too blind or stubborn or fanatical to see this, or even to stop for 10 seconds and consider it.........then this community is already poised to fall, and corporate greed has already won due to our own short-sightedness, ignorance and blatant stupidity, and blind loyalty to wolves in sheeps' clothing. Because Valve wants you to think that everything is ok. Chesko and Isoku thought everything was ok, because Valve told them everything was ok. The same thing can easily happen here.

All I'm asking is for you to not accept "I'm not doing anything wrong....this is ok" as a legitimate explanation. Open your eyes. Ask questions. Don't let yourself be deceived and tricked like the mod authors in the Steam Sellout er, I mean Rollout Bundle.
bigdeano89 wrote: Maybe you should take a look at the service provider list then, because if theres a mod site you know of, its on there. So is the MCM authors among others. Its an optional donation, nothing more, now move on and stop shouting at the world.
SjoertJansen wrote: Where does it state he does not support it? Show me. He doesn't!

He is wary of the consequences, yes. And he wants to keep modding free. Meaning, fighting to keep the ability to make a mod and upload it for absolute free. NOT, no-one can make money of mods... Where did you get that wrong?

He also makes sure this site will remain free, for as long as free mods can be made...

Fighting to keep modding a game a free thing to do, or fighting against people earning money from mods are two very distinct things.
Vidicus wrote: Actions speak louder than words. Taking part in Valve's actions shows WAY WAY WAY more to me than him typing words.

Actions ALWAYS speak louder than words.
bigdeano89 wrote: WORDS speak louder when its an explanation. I will say again, he is NOT the only site to be on the service provider list, AFKMODs and MCM menu are on there too. People are just flocking here because Chesko took a hissy fit and tried to move the blame.
phantompally76 wrote: bigdean, rest assured, the community is JUST as angry with those entities as they are with Dark0ne and with sellout mod authors and with Valve and Bethesda.

The only difference is that those entities aren't saying "I don't like this one bit, but I'll still take the money from it".

AFAIK, those entities aren't saying much of anything.

But I'm sure some white knight will swoop in and prove me wrong.
lowegule wrote: Take the money, support the free mod author. It's simple.
gastovski wrote: You are awesome Lateraliss.
bigdeano89 wrote: Thats just it, and is what none of you seem to get; Dark0ne hasnt said he dislikes paid modding, he just doesnt like its implementation just now, so the whole "saying one thing, doing another" argument is completely moot.

The point is the Nexus is and always will be free for us, end of story.
digitaltrucker wrote: He objects to the implementation, yet gladly and willingly profits from it.
phantompally76 wrote: @bigdeano You keep telling yourself that.

The fanbois on Steam thought the same thing. They were......mistaken.
bigdeano89 wrote: Its not a profit system, its a bloody donation! Its not mandatory for authors to give him a cut, and even then its a tiny amount! End of the day, Dark0ne is exploring areas to keep this site going, completely free for us all. Nexus is a massive networked business based on ad revenue and donations, we ALWAYS pay nothing unless we decide to, but we cannot expect the site to keep chugging along without looking for other ways to keep it going.
digitaltrucker wrote: Modders aren't giving him a cut. Steam is giving him a cut at the modder's request. So he's saying that he doesn't approve of Steam's model, but willingly profits from it.

Oh for goodness sake, I give up. Good luck finding another FREE modding site that isnt doing the exact same thing folks. I'm done trying to talk sense into you all.
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In response to post #24676599. #24676769 is also a reply to the same post.

MrGrymReaper wrote:
sunshinenbrick wrote: Totally agree! I've been trying to get this message across as soon as I read the article.

While I don't agree with the whole "death of modding" thought, many mods are still free and more are coming out everyday, I do agree we should all stop fighting and focus on constructively criticizing Bethesda and Valve for their whole approach to this mess. Like Gopher said, no one likes jump scares, and this was a massive one :)
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I just wanted to thank you Dark0ne for your continue updates on the situation and your reinsurance.

I know it probably has been talk to death but I have one concern in this new modding world that bugs me. If modders have the option to go free or paid thats great! More power to them, the only concern is for me at least is ad's.


If I download a free version of a mod I do not want to see an in game Ad , advertising the better paid version of that current free mod I am using. Also the difference between paid and free should be minor, not to the point were you only get half of the content until you pay for the full version.


But most of all in-game ad's scare me the most, most of us hate intrusive ads at least I'd hope so, at the very least only have it pop once on start up and never pop up ever again.

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In response to post #24676599. #24676769, #24676814 are all replies on the same post.

MrGrymReaper wrote:
sunshinenbrick wrote: Totally agree! I've been trying to get this message across as soon as I read the article.
bigdeano89 wrote: While I don't agree with the whole "death of modding" thought, many mods are still free and more are coming out everyday, I do agree we should all stop fighting and focus on constructively criticizing Bethesda and Valve for their whole approach to this mess. Like Gopher said, no one likes jump scares, and this was a massive one :)

Agree on the abuse thing... but that is inevitable when such passion is involved. It is a relief that they are actually communicating with the community. Just imagine what trying to talk to Google would be like??? Edited by sunshinenbrick
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Wait a moment PLEASE. Can someone please tell me in brief what is actually happening to the nexus and the workshop, because when I read the article he seemed to contradict himself the entire time. So being a bit confused can someone give me the true and honest answer :D.
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