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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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Reading all the s#*! hitting the fan has made me exhausted for you, Dark0ne. I was kind of horrified that you had to cancel a (I'm sure well deserved!) vacation just because the internet is f*#@ing crazy.


So I just want to raise my teeny tiny voice to say, I agree with you, I support you, and frankly I think your voice has been the only real voice of reason I've seen (though, to be sure, I certainly haven't read everything!).


Anyway, just props and support. Nexus is awesome and I'm not going anywhere as long as you aren't.

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One of my favorite site, without any worry of ruination, has now turn into chaos, with everyone accusing anyone. Thanks Bethesda and Valve, for you have create another stepping stone for an inevitable Armageddon. You know, instead of Bethesda offering modders to make a paywall, while taking money for the modders' hard work, how about offer them jobs to develop and fix their damn game?


Thought I never see these clusterf***k in this site. Guess I was wrong.

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I have been a long time member of the Nexus, and though I'm no modder, I have appreciated the creations here for a long time....so here's my two bits....damn, I don't want to sound like that guy with the crazy hair in those memes saying "ALIENS"


I'm no programmer, so forgive me for my assumptions and presumptions, but here's what I think is happening (and this is just a thought so please correct me if I'm waaaaaaaay off course).


Bethesda's been monitoring the modding scene for a long time now, and one thing I'm absolutely sure of is that there must have been a LOT of times when they must have pointed out to a particular mod and exclaimed "Whoa! that's brilliant! why didn't we think of that first!!?"


So for the sake of simplicity, here's a hypothetical situation: They notice a wonderful mod (we'll call it mod X). Mod X is a brilliant piece of work, so elegantly designed that changing any code from it would deface it's beauty. Mod X is perfect, but it's not Bethesda's. Regardless, they go ahead and integrate it into their current ongoing project (Fallout 4?)....They say to themselves "We'll deal about whose it is later, maybe we'll pay him off in some way"....but then, as time passes by, they find another mod and another and another....and they're all beautiful and lovely and elegant.


They want them all in their new game. They keep integrating and hardcoding the mods into their new project. Some of them are concerned about the backlash and hate when the project is released and people find out that they've been using ideas and creations made by people not on their payroll. Indeed, some of them genuinely want the modders to get some kind of reward...but the people at the top have a more...better..idea.


Bethesda's been brainstorming this dilemma for a long time, and a couple of months before announcing their new project, they roll this new thing out where modders can at last get some renumeration for their efforts....BUT what they're actually waiting for is whether the creator of Mod X has joined their new system and uploaded Mod X to it....the other mods that they've been watching follow as well....Sigh of relief....Mod X and others are theirs now....they're free to use them as they please.


End of hypothetical situation.


So here are a few questions? By uploading their mods to this new service, have the modders actually sold their IDEA to


Bethesda? Are they going to see the most brilliant parts of their mods appearing in some form or fashion in a future game?


I believe so.

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In response to post #24669944. #24670159 is also a reply to the same post.

Riprock wrote:
phantompally76 wrote: We have. Repeatedly. There's nothing more we can do on that front. Bethesda will not issue a statement on the matter.

To begin, when I say "you" in my response I do not mean *you personally*. I mean the figurative *you*- meaning everybody reading.

Your goal seems to be "try to make Bethesda respond to us". That should not be the goal.

The goal should be making sure Bethesda hears you LOUD and CLEAR and with a definite message, not a bunch of complaints about communities and the ethos of modding. What Bethesda is doing- and it seems to be working, if you just say "we tried, they won't respond" - is to ignore you in the hopes of making you go away. To patiently wait until you get bored with telling them.

Firstly, since this was announced the other day, seems like you're giving up really fast, and it seems the reason is because you didn't get instant gratification on the outcome.

Secondly, even if I assume you've done this for ten years, you're telling me "there's nothing more we can do". Sure there is, the problem is that the desired outcome wasn't more than to make somebody respond. If you expect a 'statement' to be the end-game, you had no victory strategy in mind to begin with. All that amounts to is "Bethesda states that they understand we're unhappy". Frankly, big deal!

The bottom line is that you're now talking about business matters (like it or not) and you're trying to get your desired outcome by having a company make a business decision based on your emotional response.
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In response to post #24669944. #24670159, #24670729 are all replies on the same post.

Riprock wrote:
phantompally76 wrote: We have. Repeatedly. There's nothing more we can do on that front. Bethesda will not issue a statement on the matter.
Riprock wrote: To begin, when I say "you" in my response I do not mean *you personally*. I mean the figurative *you*- meaning everybody reading.

Your goal seems to be "try to make Bethesda respond to us". That should not be the goal.

The goal should be making sure Bethesda hears you LOUD and CLEAR and with a definite message, not a bunch of complaints about communities and the ethos of modding. What Bethesda is doing- and it seems to be working, if you just say "we tried, they won't respond" - is to ignore you in the hopes of making you go away. To patiently wait until you get bored with telling them.

Firstly, since this was announced the other day, seems like you're giving up really fast, and it seems the reason is because you didn't get instant gratification on the outcome.

Secondly, even if I assume you've done this for ten years, you're telling me "there's nothing more we can do". Sure there is, the problem is that the desired outcome wasn't more than to make somebody respond. If you expect a 'statement' to be the end-game, you had no victory strategy in mind to begin with. All that amounts to is "Bethesda states that they understand we're unhappy". Frankly, big deal!

The bottom line is that you're now talking about business matters (like it or not) and you're trying to get your desired outcome by having a company make a business decision based on your emotional response.

It's more Valve's fault than Bethesda's.
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I think the only thing I currently have a problem with is your claims of site upkeep costs versus the many claims against you saying many of the costs are unloaded onto other entities and you're pulling in the mid $100,000s.


I don't know if it would be appropriate to ask for snippets of proof of cost without being some form of shareholder but that would at least get some of the "Nexus is just as greedy" junk off your back. Not that you care. It would be more for the communities sanity.


I'm sure this comment will be lost in the endless sea flowing through the site and I don't really expect an answer, but it sure would be nice to get a response.


Either way I will continue to get my mods in a free manner and donate to the ones that obviously deserve compensation.

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Maybe he's right Dark0ne to argue that it is early to say what will happen. But it is quite obvious to think that this enclave of socialism, in a capitalist system can not last, or wll be tolerated. The modding is small form what Karl Marx dreamed, for him the meaning of life was work, but not alienated and produced almost as a hobby for pure passion to serve the community. Internet was born after emancipated from its military dimension, as a product of a mentality anarchist and socialist together.

The next few games made by Bethesda will lock down the production of modding, thus putting at their service the passion of the players, who will be working thousands of hours to a few crumbs, while Valve and Bethesda make big profits upon them. This will kill the modding, but they do not care, for them what matters is the money, this is capitalism, Bay, welcome to reality! This system can not tolerate that a similar enclave survive, where "free" is the rule, because "free" is the most blasphemous of all words.

I Wil boycot Tes VI IV and Fallout, if predictably contain a system which limits the free modding.The only actually defense is not to buy the mod for a fee and isolate their creators as were carriers of an infection.

As Nexus, can defend this situation, it is still a system that is part of capitalism, which administers the law of the ban in its own way, and so certainly not democratic. Nexus can gamble, opposing this change, but starting accepting proceeds from the concurrent system, means opening the protection to a Trojan horse that will lead it to become infected until you get to close. For Valve Nexus is a commercial competitor, or is enslaved to its commercial power, or must die. Dark0ne you are opening the doors to their money, and they will make you to pieces, or you will be assimilated to their purposes. Nexus for them is a farm, where cultivate products, where modders will develop mods then once completed, will become a fully commercial product. There will be modders who oppose, but many others will corrupt, they have many ways to do it.

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