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Has EnaiSiaion and T3nd0 commented on the paywall thing?


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Hi, I am just a game player and I love EnaiSiaion and T3nd0's mods. I really respect the work these guys have done and the enjoyment I have been given through their work


I am curious if either of them has commented. The Internet can react really strangely and there is so much toxic chat flying all over the place from all angels and everyone and their dog commenting, but I respect these guys and would actually like to know what they think, as I believe they are really in the correct place to make any kind of constructive post.


So yeah.. have they commented or anything? I would love to read what they think


Thanks in advance!


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Some T3nd0 quotes:


steam is a bad platform for modders lel. enjoy your placeholder esp files


goddammit, these guys make it hard to decide what I should spend my money on (this was about all the jokes mod we're making :laugh: )


Gooooood how I enjoy the chaos though. Everyone is running rampant, and I'm just sitting back and doing nothing.

SkyUI bending over was a surprise though


So yeah, the opinion of the perma team is basically that this is all a big joke and everyone will soon realise what a shitty mod platform steam is compared to the nexus. Also they stole Chesko's mod, refusing to take it down on his request and refusing to refund the mod purchases made unless requested, Chesko himself has refunded all that he earned. This pissed a lot of people off, how dare they steal a mod authors work.

Edited by Noortje
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Also they stole Chesko's mod, refusing to take it down on his request and refusing to refund the mod purchases made unless requested, Chesko himself has refunded all that he earned. This pissed a lot of people off, how dare they steal a mod authors work.



^ this. This is why I'm against this whole Steam Workshop thing. I'll happily give mod authors money (and I have, quite large amounts), but I won't support the steam workshop by giving them 75% of what the mod author deserves, especially when they're pulling these shenanigans.



Donate to your favorite mod authors, show them why the Nexus is better.

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