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fo3 on Windows 7 64 bit with 4GB ram


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Hi, I found this article Fallout 3 and Win 7 64 Bit - Title Becomes Abandonware right after downloading the steam version and my systems only got 4GB ram. It more or less says the memory leak is a constant problem unless you got more ram, but buying another 4GB to get 6GB (with only two slots), would cost another $50, plus ive no idea even thats enough after a few dozen mods are added.


Does anyone here make do on fo3 with just 4GB or even just 6GB ram with with mods on a W7 64bit system, and are there any patches to fix this. I know theres an unofficial patch but looks a bit old and suggests its pretty specific to an older version of the game but I cant see where it lists what version ive got.

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thanks Victoria, so its fine with 6GB if your not using the big texture replacers, I can live with that, wasnt going to install those anyhow, just everything else :) edit what am i saying, this still sux if having more rams the only answer when its a non issue on other platforms Edited by nisen
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update: well doesnt appear to be any memory leak crashes, the times it crashed its been using at most 1GB (2.5GB) total, there was also an odd thing before installing fose and stutter remover, where it wasnt loading into ram properly (showing only 200 MB usage) and was crashing 15 seconds into a save game, but havent got that since. fwiw its a lot more stable than my copy of vanilla Oblivon was.
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