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BioWare RPG cliche chart


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Taking that into consideration I agree with AT that every single RPG is cliche...

I did not say that is my stance, I was only reminded of something similar. I do however think to some extent everything needs its cliches. After all, as I recall famous quote as retold to me by another user here:


"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."


Can't doubt a quote from Oscar Wilde.


We need enough similarity so we can relate and be immersed in the medium's events, but enough innovation to feel interested and curious. That's what I think. It is a delicate balance.

Edited by AliasTheory
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Personally, I think that most RPG consumers enjoy cliches to a good extent. Notice how many RPGs are based off of or heavily inspired by Dungeons and Dragons(Which was in turn inspired by Lord Of The Rings). Also, from a marketing standpoint, Cliches are a safe investment. After all, if one game makes $200 million, then chances are a game 90% like that will make just as much. There are however some rpg cliches I would like to see broken:


1.) A game which setting doesn't involve Medieval European arms and weaponry(I.E. longswords and platemail). Perhaps instead using either bronze age or steam age weaponry. (Notable exceptions have been Knights Of The Old Republic, and Arcanum)


2.) A world where humans are not the dominant race, or where humans do not exist at all.


3.) A game where the protagonist doesn't give a crap about saving(or taking over) the world, but is simply out for revenge. (Most Grand Theft Auto games are like this)


4.) A world less "earth-like", perhaps taking place under the sea, or on floating chunks of land.

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I personally want to see an RPG inspired by the ancient times (I'll bet some exist). I don't think the human mold will be broken Sino (at least any time soon) because we relate most to them and most other races have human like characteristics as well.


@AT: I should have clarified, I agree with your chart.

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