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Site bot avatar contest!


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I was just thinking about robots and how i like em and stuff..



Hey! how about we give site bot an avatar. We could have a contest and people can submit entries and then site bot can get a nice avatar.


It sounds like a lot of fun. Gotta decide about how it can be judged or whatever. could be set up like a tournament with a series of polls. or just have the admins judge em.


This kind of thing may get a lot of entries tho. I hope it works out!

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Haha, I like ub3rman123's HAL9000 idea... here's some quick ones based on that I put together.


http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o223/Purple_Eiries/Avatars/sb1.png http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o223/Purple_Eiries/Avatars/sb2.gif http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o223/Purple_Eiries/Avatars/sb35.gif


I'm personally a fan of the last one, but it's probably a no-go since it's got a higher filesize, coupled with how many posts the Bot makes... you get what I'm getting at.

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